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chapter eleven

        "Aro will want us incapacitated before he attacks. Jane and Alec will try and take me out first because I can anticipate their attacks," Edward explained to the group.

Christina leaned up against the tree as she watched Greyson and Annie sit and talk with Benjamin. Nessie was off running through the trees with Jacob, becoming too antsy to sit and listen to stories.

"Too bad we don't all have your shield," Garrett said, looking towards Bella.

She purses her lips in response. "Doesn't help me fight, though."

"I feel you on that," Christina muttered softly.

Tanya hummed. "You could help the rest of us, Bella, if you can learn to project it."

Bella's eyes widened at the blonde's words. "Is that possible?"

Carlisle nodded his head. "Gifts can be developed over time. Look at Christina, she was only able to bring life from her body, but she can make plants grow from

Kate nodded in agreement. "At first, mine was just in my palms. Now I can radiate it all over my body."

"How did you do it?" Bella asked urgently. She reached forwards and gripped onto Kate's hand, a little too tightly. "Teach me."

Kate looked down at their conjoined hands. "Ow."

Bella was quick to release Kate's hand. "Sorry, sorry," she mumbled as Kate waved her hand around sarcastically.

"You need to visualize it," Kate explained. "See how it moves. What color it is." Bella nodded her head as she closed her eyes, trying to picture what Kate was describing. "Now picture it expanding. Will it to go beyond you."

Bella struggled for a moment before sighed loudly, opening her eyes back up.

"I think she needs something to motivate her," Kate said, a smirk lingering on her face as she turned towards Christina and Edward standing next to each other. The brunette was quick to step away from Edward, leaving him to flick her ear in annoyance.

"No," Bella shook her head as Edward stepped in front of Kate.

"It's alright," Edward soothed. "I can take it."

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