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chapter three

        Christina finished wrapping Seth's shoulder, as Bella and Edward kept apologizing to the young wolf. Annie was sitting on his side, worriedly watching her mother wrap his injury. Carlisle was holding Greyson behind his wife, watching her nurse Seth. Greyson kept reaching out towards Christina, with a small whine in the back of his throat.

"Alright, Seth," Christina said as she put Carlisle's medical supplies back in his bag. "Just take it easy for a couple of hours. You'll be okay."

"Sorry, sorry!" Bella exploded, since neither Seth or Edward would let her get a full apology out.

Seth patted Bella's knee, the same time Christina grabbed Greyson out of Carlisle's arms. "It's okay, Bella. Promise."

Greyson patted his mother's neck before reaching his hand out towards Seth. Christina furrowed her brows before stepping closer to the wolf. Greyson reached towards Seth more, and the wolf grabbed him in response.

Greyson snuggled into Seth's warmth and landed his right hand on his injured shoulder. Carlisle and Christina watched, confused.

"Huh," Seth mumbled as Greyson reached back towards his mother. Christina grabbed him slowly. "He healed me." Seth rolled his wrapped shoulder, testing it.

Christina looked down at her son in surprise as Carlisle moved to check it out. Even Edward and Bella stopped their quiet conversation to pay attention. Edward hummed with a nod, looking down at Greyson.

"He's very pleased with himself," Edward chuckled.

"It is healed," Carlisle nodded, undoing Seth's wraps, making Christina deadpan towards her son.

"You're telling me I wrapped him for nothing?" she asked,  Greyson giggling in response. "Funny."

"I guess it makes sense," Bella muttered, stepping closer to Greyson. She rubbed her finger against his smiling cheek. "Renesmee's gift is a product of Edward's—being able to project her thoughts. Greyson's gift is a product of yours— being able to heal."

"How ironic that two doctors give birth to a healer," Christina joked, agreeing with Bella.

"Incredible," Carlisle muttered.

"So, Seth is okay now?" Annie asked, looking between everyone.

Seth nodded his head with a grin. He placed his hand in her hair, and rubbed it lightly. "I'm alright, Annie."

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