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Your gonna miss me when I'm gone.


I watched as she made her way down the hall,adding a little switch in her walk when she walked passed me.

I ain't mean to hurt her yesterday on the real and only reason I'm not running behind her is because I won't her to get her thoughts together so I'm gone give her,her space.

I ran my hands through my hair and sighed "hey brandon" I looked over at jade and gave her a forced smile.

"Wassup jade"

"I just came to check on you,your not your usual goofy self"

"That's because I lost my other half"


I stood at my locker and watched them talk.

To be honest this new look is cute but it's just not me,I'm not a dressy type of girl I'm more laid back

But the only reason I did this was to show Brandon what he's missing but instead it came with a lot of unwanted attention.

Boys who wouldn't usually want to talk to me was trying to get at me and it was pathetic.

"Damn do you gotta Bae or nah baby"Amber said with a click of her tongue.

I laughed at my silly best friend and turned her way.

"So that's how you greet people now?"

"Nah Ma only the ones with a fat ass"she said reaching behind me and slapping my behind.

I shook my head "I pray for you"

"They all do but anyway what's up with you and Andrews?"

I sighed and shook my head "lord where do I start".


"Tiff just talk to him to get the full story,look at him over there looking like a lost puppy without his girl"

I gave in and turned to look at him,it actually saddened my heart to see him so down.

I pushed my chair back and stood up.

"That's right boo gone get yo man"amber yelled as I made my way across the lunch room.

I continued walking ignoring her outburst.

"Hey sad puppy"

He looked up from his tray and up at me with a sad smile.

"Hey beautiful,whats up?"

I pulled out a chair beside him and sat down "look brandon I was in the wrong I should have stayed and got the full story on you guys pass"I confessed.

"Not boo it ain't even yo fault I know what's up between us so I should have introduced you in the proper way"

I smiled and leaned over kissing his lips.

"I like the new look"he said running his fingers through my hair.

I shook my head "I like the hair but not the outfit it's catching to much attention"

"I agree niggas been staring at you too hard but I ain't say nothing"I smiled and kissed his lips again.

"I missed you"

"I missed you too baby"

"Look bran we gotta make a pack to ask questions first"

He nodded his head agreeing "I understand,but let me take you out"

I smiled in excitement "really ?"


I was happy,my first real date & I got my man back.

I gotta be sure to watch out for that jade bitch.


Yall I couldn't bare seeing them apart,but sadly there is more drama coming in the mix.

Tiffanys hair in the the MM.

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