Chapter Four: What The Bloody Hell

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Thanks for 5 votes on the last chapter! Can we try 8 votes and 40 reads? Also, please point out my grammar mistakes, it makes me very happy to see them so I can fix them. Love you guys!! :)


Two months. For two stinking months did Cole pester me. I wanted to strangle him every time he spoke. But of course, everybody else absolutely adored him. I mean, c'mon, he's a stereotypical jock: good looking, smart, and a people person (ew, I know right? Why associate with people if you don't have to?) What's not to love? Oh, well, I don't know, everything. Sometimes I argue with myself about it.

He reminds you of Jack.

How?! He and Jack are polar opposites.

They both have that cocky way to them.

So? A lot of people do.

This is different and you know it.



Shut up, you don't know what you're talking about.

You know I'm right.

No you're not. Now shut up.

Sometimes I hate myself.

Back to what I was saying. Two months. I even made a list to show you the mental and physical pain I went through.

Number of times I threatened to kill Cole: 87

Number of times Cole called me a stupid nickname that earned him a kick in the shins: 26

Number of times Cole asked me out (I know right?! The nerve of some people!): 12

Number of times Suzy tried to get me to go on those dates: 32

Number of times Suzy threatened to go in my place (I would have totally let her.): 14

Number of times I rejected him: All stinking 12.

Number of times Marty pushed me to go on a date with Cole using the words, and I quote, 'but I ship you guys!': 17

Number of times I mentally killed Marty per minute: 2

Overall number of times I mentally killed Marty: 10,713,600 (shut up, I did the math, I swear)

Number of times I mentally blew up the earth: 8

Number of flashbacks: 2

Number of meltdowns about Charley: 1

It's been the worst.

Okay maybe I exaggerated a tad. They weren't the absolute worst, but they came pretty damn close.
Needless to say, that on this lovely November morning, I wanted to strangle everyone who spoke to me, got in my way, touched me, or even existed too close to me. Hey, don't judge. It's been a crap life. I'm also on my period, so that might explain a lot of things, too.

So, instead of torturing myself by actually going to school, I skipped.

I got a call and a text from Suzy, two texts from Cole, and 27 overall different messages on every social media app that I have from Marty. And every one sounded as queer as a moose in south Florida. Yes! I know what you're thinking. Why the hell would I get texts from Cole? I mean, I literally just spent all that time explaining about how much I hate him. Well, kids, after I told him no, the poor guy must've finally got the point and we became somewhat friends. Who knew? (Definitely not me)
After answering every single one of Marty's messages (which took 20 minutes), I texted Cole and Suzy to let them know I was ok and not to worry. Suzy, being such a goody- goody, probably won't answer until study hall. But Cole answered almost immediately.

XOXO, CarterWhere stories live. Discover now