Fighting For Control

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Warning: This fanfiction contains corporal punishment. If that bothers you then don't read. You have been warned.

Jasper's POV

    The house was stuffed from head to toe in red and pink flowers, as well as flickering candles. It wasn't often that we celebrated birthdays, infact I couldn't think of any I had attended since my transformation. We were vampires and didn't age, so we really had no cause to celebrate. That's part of the reason why Alice was so exhilarated when Edward asked her to help decorate Bella's Party, and she did not disappoint. I honestly thought it was a bit much, but I knew better than to tell my Alice that.

    I sat stiffly on the sofa watching Alice work. I had offered her my help many times, but she insisted that she could handle the work on her own. I knew she didn't want my help because I wasn't good at decorating in the slightest, and she needed everything to be perfect. She truly was amazing when it came to interior decorating, and, according to her, I had no 'vision.'

   I had gone hunting just this morning per Edward's request. Although, I couldn't help being anxious at the thought of Bella getting so close. She had come over various times of course and I was always weary, but I managed to control my thirst time and time again. Why would this time be any different? Maybe it was the fact that Alice had a vision and wouldn't tell me about it, she told me not to worry. I trusted my Alice, and I knew she would never let anything happen to me or this family. I couldn't understand why I was still so nervous.

    I couldn't understand what Edward saw in this Bella Swan girl. What was so appealing about this human? She was just so... fragile. If I had mated with a human I would have turned her instantly. I doubt I could handle the constant risks of just being near her. Alice turned around with a look of concern on her face, and I realized I must have been projecting my nerves. I retracted my emotions and gave her a reassuring smile. She grinned back at me cheerfully, setting my unbeating heart ablaze. God, she was perfect.

   I guess my brother wasn't completely insane. If he truly loved this Bella girl, than I understand not being able to stay away, even if it was safer. Although, if my Alice were human I sure as hell wouldn't bring her into a house full of vampires. Even if they all had Carlisle's control. I wouldn't be that stupid.

   Luckily for me, Edward was out of the house so I was able to go on my little rant. I found it very tiresome to constantly monitor my thoughts. I guess I should be thankful for Bella on that regard, she keeps him out of the house. Don't get me wrong, I love my brother, but I also love my privacy and you can't have both.

     My little pixie fluttered around perfecting all the little details. She rearranged flowers, moved the mass amounts of food around, and adjusted the placement of the furniture. Once she finally decided it was perfect, she skipped over to me and sat down on my lap. I ran my hand through her spiky hair and leaned my forehead against her shoulder. I took in the scent of her perfume and it instantly calmed my nerves.

"How's it look, honey?" She asked with a hopeful smile.

"Absolutely beautiful, Darlin'," I let my southern drawl lace the phrase because I knew how much she loved it. Alice said it was sexy. She gave me a quick kiss and I gave her one longer, more passionate one in return. Once we pulled away, she sat up and admired her work.

"Hmm," She hummed, looking around the room once more, "That vase doesn't look quite right. It needs a ribbon or something."

"It looks great, I don't think it needs anything." I insisted hoping she would take my word for it and stay with me. She just smiled and ran upstairs, apparently to find a ribbon.

   I stiffened again and tried to control my emotions. My anxieties had vanished when Alice was close, but they returned as soon as she left. I heard Emmett's hearty laugh just outside and knew he and Rose had returned from their hunt. A wave of pure pleasure and love washed over me. I deeply hoped that Rosalie and Emmett had done some hunting. I wasn't sure if I would be able to handle both of them being uncomfortable with thirst in addition to my own.

    They both walked in and their feelings were squashed and replaced with my own. I struggled to real my own emotions back. Rosalie and Emmett gave me a pleading look, but I was unable to control my ability.

"Woah man, calm down. You totally just killed the mood," Emmett commented.

"Sorry," I stated slightly annoyed.

   Sure enough, Emmett's and Rose's eyes were dark gold. They hadn't hunted and their own uncomfortable thirst burned my throat. My agitation and anxiety skyrocketed as my throat ached.

"Why didn't you guys hunt?" I mumbled stiffly.

"We got distracted," Emmett chuckled slightly. He smiled cheekily at Rosalie who gave him a wink in return.

"You two are unbelievable," I grumbled.

"Cool it Jasper, it's not that big of a deal." Rosalie scoffed. I growled lightly. It wasn't a big deal to her, but for me this could be a life or death situation.

What was taking Alice so long? I needed her.

"Seriously Jazz, can you real back a little. Your making me feel awful," Emmett said as seriously as he could muster.

"I'm trying," I snapped. I tried as hard as I could to real in my emotions, but it was a battle I was quickly losing.

   Alice skipped down the stairs and I watched her. I continued my attempt to control myself. She quickly tied the ribbon and sat down next to me, probably having sensed my emotional state. She grabbed my hand with hers and caressed the back of it with her thumb. I felt my emotions return to my body and I quickly calmed down.

"Thanks Jazz," Emmett sighed in relief.

I nodded to him, "Sorry."

   I told my brother. I placed my head against Alice's and took a deep breath. Her presence quickly calmed my nerves. She truly was a godsend.

   Carlisle and Esme entered the room with grins on their faces and sat down on the loveseat. They also really enjoyed having the human girl around.. Their excited emotions almost made me feel giddy.

"She's almost here!" Esme clapped her hands together in excitement. I swear that Esme loved Bella more than Edward did. Okay, that was a load of bullshit, but Esme cared deeply for the human girl.
    Right on que Edward's Volvo turned on to our long driveway. I waited anxiously for the car to come to a stop. The car switched off and I prepared myself for the pain I would soon feel. I stopped breathing trying to stay in control, as Bella stepped out of the car. I heard her groan as she noticed Alice's work and I couldn't help but grin slightly. Alice looked at me in surprise and I attempted to relax. My anxieties disappeared for a split second, until Bella entered through the front door.

    The thirst hit me quickly. My throat felt as if a small fire had broken out. Then the thirst hit the rest of my family and their uncomfortable emotions fueled my own fire. Edward locked eyes on me noticing how uneasy I was.

   I'm okay Edward really, I'll control myself. I promise. I silently stated.

   He didn't have much faith in me. I did go to school with him, and I could control my thirst there. My own home shouldn't be any different. Alice put her hand on my leg, and I carefully projected calming waves into the room instead of the anxious ones from earlier. Everyone visibly relaxed.

   It's not so bad, I can do this. I told myself. I wasn't sure how much I believed in that statement, but I would try my damndest to keep in control.

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