Family Meeting

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Edward's POV

"What's wrong with Alice?" Bella questioned. I scratched my head trying to come up with a decent answer, that wouldn't upset her.

"Well you see darling, Jasper attacked you at your birthday party." Alice let out a whimper at the mention of her husband's name.

"Oh Edward, what did you do?" Bella accused.

"I didn't do anything!" I snapped. I looked for help from my parents, but they both stared right back. They said nothing and their minds were blank.

"Edward, I know how protective you are of me, along with your temper and the fact that Alice is crying tells me your lying. What did you do to Japser?" I was shocked at her harsh tone.

Carlisle spoke up, "Bella, why don't you go hunting with Edward and, when you get back we'll have a family meeting and we will tell you everything. Okay?" I gave a look thanking my father, he had saved me from the wrath of my newborn mate, even if just temporarily.


Carlisle POV

   Me and Esme sat quietly in the living room waiting for our children to return. Esme held my hand and stared blankly at the broken window. I knew she was devastated that Jasper had ran off. She loved all her children so much, and I knew losing one of them would cause her unspeakable amounts of pain. I was holding onto that last sliver of hope that Emmett and Rosalie would come back with him. I knew that the chances were very slim, but I couldn't help but hope for the sake of my family, and myself, that he would come home.

  About an hour passed before Rosalie and Emmett showed up. Alice rushed down stairs from her room as soon as they arrived.

"Any sign of him? I can't see him in my visions, I think he's blocking me somehow." Her tone was desperate. Rosalie shook her head sadly.

"He went north he's probably somewhere in Canada." Emmett sighed. "His scent cuts off about a mile from here and I can't find anything else."

"Oh," I could practically hear her heart break. She sat down next to Esme and hid her face in her mother's hair.

   Bella and Edward arrived a short time after Rosalie and Emmett. Bella looked slightly annoyed with Edward. They both took a seat and turned their eyes to me. They were all waiting for an explanation, and instructions on what to do next.

"Bella, how much do you remember?"

"Well last thing I remember is um..." I knew how difficult it was to recall human memories especially after transformation, but I hoped she at least knew a little.

"I got a paper cut, and Jasper jumped at me. He bit me and I remember that it burned." She paused for a second.

"I can't remember much after that."

"Does anyone want to explain what happened after that?" I asked. I turned my eyes to Edward, but he was looking down at his feet.

"It was insane!" Emmett chimed. "Eddy tackled Jazz to the ground and beat the shit outta him!" I cleared my throat, not thrilled with his choice in language.

"Sorry dad, well anyway Eddy was on top of Jazz and he was beating the crap out of him, punching him and stuff. Then he BIT Jazz right on the neck exactly in the same spot as Bells." Bella's eyes went wide. I think Edward might have smirked, but I couldn't tell.

"You bit him Edward!" Bella screeched.

"I might have. He did bite you first. I think it was well deserved." Edward's voice was unremorsful. Alice stiffened and Esme put an arm around her.

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