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{Cupid's Law (/cupīdō lô/)

(scientific theory)

A scientific law that disproves the phenomenon of altering ones emotional or romantic feelings towards another individual. It states that beyond neurotransmitters and triggers, the science of love cannot be modified to anything more than what it is. 

The romantically driven feelings of others are always out of an individuals control.}

This book  officially starts in the place that isn't italicized :)


Let me start this by revealing a bit of information about myself that you may or may not know depending on who you are and how much we've talked.

I, although passionate and very in love with writing, am deep in engineering school. At the moment I'm writing this, I'm in my junior year and am attempting to snatch that degree. While the official term for what I'm going for is Mechatronics, it is better known as robotics.

It seems sort of ridiculous doesn't it? I'm telling you right now, no one else in that place gives writing any thought beyond lab reports.

In fact, I have often been asked to revise essays and even write emails for those hopeless quote on quote, "gearheads" or "circuit brains". 

It's no secret that engineering is the main reason for my prolonged 2019 absence and lack of updates, and while it's irritating, stressful, and makes me want to cry myself to sleep... In a way, it's my other love.

I think that writing is my passion. I really do. But there's also a part of my brain that loves what I do, and while I'm prone to keeping that aspect of my life silent in my online presence, I think it's time for me to introduce my other world in the only way I know how. 


Specifically in a BTS fanfiction lol. 

So now I'm very excited to work on this as I've been planning it for a long time and I think it will really be an easy write. It's easy because, it's my life. 

I go to an engineering school that is 98.5% male. I am one of three girls. 

It's... interesting to say the least, and I think there's a lot to explore, especially considering the odd stigma and sexism that comes with it. I'll be addressing such things and really getting into both the highlights and lowlights while also creating a sort of fictional and fun scenario. 

I would say, "If only BTS were my best friends throughout engineering school," but I'm not going to, because in a way, they are. They motivate and inspire me to keep going, and I couldn't ask for anything more.

However, if BTS were my best friends through engineering school in a more physical sense, I believe it would go something along the lines of what you're about to see in this book. I'm not claiming to be Y/N lol, to be honest I never see myself as Y/N but rather find her as another character that I've both created and want to represent ARMY. 

I hope that whoever you are and whatever you're passionate about, you're able to enjoy this read. I do think that you will, and I'll do my best to make it another lovable addition to my works <3

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