Chapter 2- You Look Like The Angel...

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"I'm here back in front if the woods where these recent murders have been happening. Today we have received word that there was a couple found slaughtered brutally. We have now confirmed that someone or some people have been behind all of this. If any of you have any information please call the police right away."

A bowl of cereal was set down next to In Hye who's chin was resting on the counter.

"Yah. Krystal says you haven't eaten anything all day. So I took the liberty in making you some cereal." In Hye and Krystal's best friend friend Park Chanyeol was over.

Chanyeol happened to be their neighbor so he would come over basically whenever he liked.

In Hye played with the spoon inside the milk, "Gomawo Channie Oppa."

"What are you watching?" He fixated his attention to the tv, "Those murders are still happening?"

In Hye nodded and began to eat her cereal, "This seems really interesting. I wanna know who's causing this."

"Yah...come with me to the store later. You need to go out," He chuckled and hit the back of her head, "What have you drawn lately?"

She perked up her head a bit when she was asked about the drawings. "I- I just continued to draw the ocean that's all."

Maybe it was best to keep the secret of the Angel away from others. Besides, she could have been hallucinating we would never know.

"Show me your drawings one day. We've known each other for twelve years yet you've never shown me any of it." He stretched his legs out onto the couch and laid down.

"Channie Oppa!" Krystal came running in and jumped right onto him making him flinch in pain.

In Hye turned around and raised an eyebrow at her sister, "Where are you going?"

"To go see Taeyeon Unnie and Jessica Unnie. Bye!" She waved and than scurried right out of the door leaving Chanyeol and In Hye in there alone.

"Should we go to the store now? Maybe we can find something to eat for lunch." Chanyeol said as he stood up.

In Hye nodded and turned off the television, "Let me get my jacket."

After a bit of shuffling around and everything the two were finally out the door.

A big cold gust of wind greeted them as they began to walk down the streets. In Hye grabbed onto Chanyeol's arm shivering.

"I can't wait for spring! We can play in the water again!!" She said through her chattering teeth.

Chanyeol chuckled and held her close, "Yah! We can play in the water right now if you want!"

Suddenly a man walked around them. He was dressed in black pants, a white button up long sleeve and a trench coat. He had dimples and the same face as the creature before.

That's when the thought occurred to In Hye.

"H-he looks..." She stuttered a bit but not enough for Chanyeol to hear.

The boy turned into the store they were going to rather quickly. He looked like he had an upset look on his face. Not like the creature from yesterday who smiled with his big white wings.

"Ah warmth!" Chanyeol said as the two of you entered the grocery store.

You giggled a bit as you went to get a basket for him, "Want me to find something for lunch while you get what you need?"

Chanyeol nodded and gave a thumbs up, "See you back at the checkouts!"

In Hye wandered off into the bread aisle hoping she would maybe find something for lunch.

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