Chapter 6 awh #JADLEY

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Chapter 6


Rachel and Brad have been in the kitchen for a while now and I can hear sniffling like someone's trying not to cry or stopping themselves from crying. Amy is sat there applying lipgloss and looking in the mirror doing her hair and re applying loads of make up. How can, so much make up fit into such a small bag. What's it called? Umm Rachel told me this before when I was helping her pick an outfit. What is it called? A CLUTCH BAG. THATS IT. How can I girl fit a sanitary towel, three lip balms, seven different lip glosses, two mascaras, an iPhone 6, a spare phone case, phone charger, make up brushers, the weird sponge that puts skin toned cream on a girls face to cover up her skin and that skin toned cream. I mean who is she Mary Poppins.


Oh this is where it either goes brilliant or all hell breaks loose. Let's just hope it isn't the second option.


Oh hell is gonna rise. Why am I the one who has to be sober and responsible? I walked to the front door. Slowly and cautiously I opened the door.

"Hello there I am looking for a Rachel Wilson." A cheery voice said looking down at the box. Then the head looked up and it was just a delivery girl with blonde hair and blue eyes

Rachel, Brad and James came running to the door all asking what happened and if we were okay. I explained everything while Rachel called tristan threw to take a picture of all the boys, the delivery girl and I. The picture got taken and Tristan went back to the lounge.

"Are you Rachel? Connor's sister."
"Yeah that's me why?"
"So, who do you like Brad or James?"


I looked around wondering what she's on about.

"Excuse me?"
"It's just a question and this conversation is running into my break so I'd really appreciate some answers."
"Okay, come on in."

I walked into the living room and sat down on the sofa. The delivery girl sat down opposite me. Her name tag said her name was Katherine.

"So Cara do you mind telling why people think I'm into Brad and James?" I asked genuinely wondering.
"Well isn't it obvious I mean..." She got cut off by Brad and James walking in and both sitting either side if me throwing their feet up on the coffee table.
"Hey, hey, hey." Brad said in a high pitched voice as he threw his arm around me. I turned to look at James and we all started cracking up apart from Katherine, who was on her phone.

"Right selfie." I screamed looking at the boys we took a nice one and a silly one. I uploaded them to twitter, With the caption of:

'Oh my I generally love these boys. They make me laugh so much 'hey hey hey' I never laugh as much as I do when I'm with them, they are truly amazing. #JADLEY. Love you boys so much. Your so weird but oh well. JADLEY is an amazing bromance :) xx #JADLEY SANDWHICH!!!

Both of the boys twitter notifications went off.

"Awwwwwhhhhh you have me on notifications how cute." I teased turning my head to look at both of the boys.

"Well yeah we have all our best friends on notifications." James replied
Brad carried on "Do you realise how much stuff we get tagged in?"
"Right boys you need to leave I'm speaking with Katherine."
They both looked at each other like they were speaking with their eyes then stood up in sink. They both looked like they left the room when all of a sudden two wet, sloppy long kisses get placed on my cheeks. EEEWWWWW! That was disgusting

"So what do you want to know?"
"Who are you going to date Brad or James?"
"Who says I like them or either of them like me who says it's not just the fans wanting to be best friends with them because they definitely don't like like me."
"Your so oblivious but look up your name and theirs it comes up with one certain picture and that picture, makes you fall in love with the way they look at you. The way they look at you is the way every girl desires and needs to be looked at. The worse part about this is what if you choose the wrong one.
"How do I know who though?"
"Follow your heart. I have to go your package is on the way up please sign here. Here's my number if you need to talk. I hope it works out." She said giving me a smile.

Two men that were about 6ft 4 and 6ft 2/3 walked in with a big package then they kept going out to collect more. In the end there was 10 and the biggest one said open first. I know I haven't ordered anything what could this be? Who could it be from?
Who's it from?
Sorry had to delay drama it will make sense within the next couple of chapters. Sorry for spelling and grammar mistakes wrote this at about 1:00am and uploaded it in the morning. So yeah sorry for the mistakes. :)


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