Just One Cut

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This will have self harm in it! If you aren't comfortable with it, then don't read.
Worthless trash.
" I know I am, now stop reminding me.." Izuku was muttering to himself while he was walking down the halls of U.A.
Why don't you jump off a roof?
" I would like to, but I'd have to pass down One For All to someone."
That's true..
"For once you agree with me?"
Don't get used to it
" Yeah yeah.."
Izuku continued to mutter to himself as we he walking to his dorm. Aizawa was going to go to the teachers lounge when he heard Izuku muttering to himself, he didn't think anything of it until he said some weird things.
" Problem Child? Who are you talking to?" Aizawa asked Izuku when he stopped walking. "Hm?"
" Who. were. you. talking. to." Aizawa said in a stern voice while walking twords Izuku. "N-No one Aizawa Sensei." Izuku replied as he was walking backwards, trying not to get too close to Aizawa.
" I h-have to go do homework, I'll see you later Aizawa Sensei!" When he was done talking he ran off. Aizawa thought it was just Izuku being weird, but his gut told him otherwise. He decided to trust his gut that this wasn't normal and go inform All Might or something. Now back to Izuku, he was running through the common room to get to his dorm. He opened his drawer and picked up a pocket knife. He went into his bathroom and locked the door.
He picked up his knife and started to
graze his skin with the knife. (If that sentence even makes sense) he made a few cuts, they weren't really deep, they were barely noticeable.
Make the cuts deeper
"What would All Might think?" Izuku muttered to the voice.
He wouldn't care, he wouldn't notice at all
"O-Okay then.." Izuku held his knife a bit harder and made a cut a bit deeper than the other ones. He kept making cuts, but the voice wasn't satisfied.
Izuku was just about to make a deeper cut when he heard a knock on the door.
"Young Midoriya? Are you alright? Aizawa said you were acting a bit weird earlier today." Izuku didn't answer, he was thinking of something to say. He worried he was thinking about what to say for too long and tried to stutter out a word, but nothing came out.
"Problem Child. Answer the question" Izuku was a little scared, he tried to say something. It took a while, but he eventually said something.
"S-Sorry! W-What do you need?" As he was talking he was trying to clean his cuts as fast as he could, trying not to grunt in pain.
" Answer the question, problem Child."
" Yes! I'm fine." He was watching the blood go down the drain.
" Young Midoriya, are you sure? It's alright if your not okay." When All Might stopped talking Izuku's cuts started to bleed again.
"Darn it!" He started to try to clean the cuts again.
" Problem child? What happened?" Their gut was telling them that Izuku wasn't okay. They waited for a response until they smelled blood.
"Young Midoriya?? Could you please open the door??" All Might sounded a bit more demanding. Izuku panicked, he couldn't keep them waiting any longer, so he just quickly cleaned the sink and rolled down his sleeve. He opened the door and put a nervous smile on his face.
"U-Uhm.. D-Do you need anything?"
They walked in the bathroom, Izuku looked up at them. He hoped that he cleaned up everything. All Might and Aizawa looked around the room, All Might found something red on the floor.
" Young Midoriya, what's that on he floor?" When he said that he looked to where All Might was looking, their was a little red puddle on the floor.
"O-Oh! I uhm.. j-just cut myself a little!" Aizawa wasn't buying it, he he quickly continued to look around the room. He saw a knife behind a soap bottle with blood all over it.
"Wait what?- Problem child, show me your arms." Izuku was panicking again, he didn't want them to know. He feared that they would hate him, he had to make an excuse quick.
" Uhm.. Uraraka said she needed me earlier today! I'll t-talj to you guys later!" When he finished talking he quickly bolteds twords the door, Aizawa acted quick and used his scarf to grab him.
" Problem Child, now this confirms it, your hiding something."
" N-No I'm not!"
"Your a terrible liar now-" Aizawa looked at Izuku's arm and saw red spilling through his sleeve. He was confused until he realized.
"Problem child, roll up your sleeves."
"W-What?? Why?"
"Are you going to do it? Or do I have to get All Might to?"
" There's nothing under my sleeves!"
"All Might, roll up his sleeves."
All Might quickly grabbed Izuku's sleeve and rolled it up. His eyes started to water, he saw blood and cuts everywhere on Izuku's arm.
Surprisingly, Aizawa's eyes also started to water a bit.
"Y-Young Midoriya.. why?.."
" I'm S-Sorry!" Izuku started to cry,
Aizawa let him go.
All Might pulled him into a hug, Izuku just kept muttering 'Im sorry' over and over and over again as he buried his face in All Might's shirt.
"It's okay, Midoriya.. just promise me you won't do it again.."
" I'll t-try.." Izuku calmed down a bit after a couple minutes .
" How about you both go get some ice cream or something? I'll say your sick and can't go into class tomorrow as well.." Aizawa left, and All Might let go of Izuku. Once he helped Izuku clean the cuts and bandage them, they left to go get some ice cream.
Dang, I died while writing this-
It's 1:00 AM too-

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