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Art isn't mine!
And also, this will have aideku in it!

Aizawa was on patrol one night and got hit with some kid's quirk. He was exhausted, and wanted to go home to see Izuku. If the quirk wasn't a neko quirk, he probably would be pissed. After a couple of minutes of walking, he arrived home to see Izuku doing homework.
"Hey Kitty" (I couldn't think of another nickname I think would fit)
Izuku looked up from his homework. He opened his mouth to say something, but no words came out. His gaze landed on Aizawa's head, it had cat ears. Aizawa caught on to what he was looking at and smirked.
"I got hit with a quirk."
Izuku got up to inspect the cat ears.
"They look so cute on you! Can I touch them??"
Aizawa rolled his eyes and smiled.
"I guess."
They moved over to the couch, and sat down. Aizawa layed his head on Izuku's lap so he could touch his ears.
"Their so fluffy!"
Aizawa just smiled. Surprisingly, he was enjoying being pet. Aizawa started to purr, Izuku just thought it was cute.
"Are you purring, Shota? That's so cute!"
Aizawa blushed, but he was still purring.
After a couple of hours of watching movies, they started to get tired. They both went into their room. They got into bed, and Aizawa hugged Izuku close to his chest. After a couple minutes, Izuku fell asleep. Aizawa kissed the top of Izuku's head and messed with his hair before falling asleep himself.

Sorry it was short! I looked at this picture a couple times, and thought this idea was cute!

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