It Runs In The Family (Good ending)

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Yandere Bakugou-
This will have Bakudeku in it too btw!


Bakugou slammed the door open and stomped upstairs to his room in a bad mood. "KATSUKI!" His mom screamed.
"STOP STOMPING UP THE FUCKING STAIRS!" Bakugou groaned as he reached his room. "SHUT UP OLD HAG! IM NOT IN THE MOOD!" Bakugou screamed back at his mom. He slammed the door behind him, and let himself fall on his bed. After a little while, his dad came up the stairs.
"Hey Katsuki. I heard from you yelling at your mom that you aren't in a good mood. Why is that? Did something happen at school?" His dad said as he sat on the bed next to Bakugou. "This might sound stupid, but people are getting too close to Izuku. And I don't like it!" Bakugou muttered. "Ahhh... Okay." His dad smiled at him, but it wasn't a happy smile, it was more.. evil. "Well.. I liked your mother when we were younger. And naturally, people liked her when I rightfully claimed her as mine, so I got rid of them. They were never heard from again.."
He paused. "And you should do the same for Izuku" his dad smiled once more, then left. Bakugou was confused, but after a while it hit him. He had to get rid of them, and no one was going to get in the way.
The next day, he went to the store to get some supplies. "OLD HAG! IM GOING TO THE STORE TO GET SOME SHIT. I'LL BE BACK LATER!"
After a couple of hours of buying his supplies, he went back home and hid it where his mom wouldn't find it. On Monday, he decided his next target would be the first person to talk to him besides himself, which would probably be Uraraka. He left his house a bit early, and walked to Izuku's house. After a couple of minutes, Izuku came out. "Oh hey Kacchan!!" Izuku said as he ran up to hug Bakugou. Bakugou was surprised at first, but quickly hugged him back not wanting it to end. After a minute or two, Izuku let go. Bakugou was a but sad, but brushed it off since Izuku would soon be his. They walked to U.A and Uraraka came running twords Izuku. "Hey Deku-Kun!! Want to walk to class with me??" She said as she hugged him. Bakugou flared up with jealousy, but as he guessed, she was the first one to touch him besides himself. He now confirmed his first target as Ochako Uraraka. (Feel free to correct me if I spelled it wrong) "Sure Uraraka-San! But as long as Kacchan can come!" Izuku smiled as she let go. Uraraka frowned slightly, but agreed. They walked to class and sat down. Izuku was muttering, but no one heard since Aizawa wasn't in class yet and everyone was talking. The only one who heard him muttering was Bakugou. Some people might think his muttering is annoying, but Bakugou thinks otherwise. He likes hearing his muttering if it means he gets to be close to his Izuku. After a couple of minutes, Aizawa came in with his sleeping bag in hand. He put it down, and began to teach. Bakugou wasn't listening though, he was thinking of ways to torture and kill Uraraka.
"Bakugou! Pay attention!" Aizawa said when he turned around to face the class."What are you smirking at?"
"None of your business" Bakugou said as Aizawa huffed and began teaching again. After class he decided to 'invite' Uraraka to his house to 'talk' about their differences.
"Hey. Pink Cheeks." Uraraka turned around and frowned.  "Yes, Bakugou?" Bakugou smiled slightly. "I want to invite you to my house to 'discuss' something." Uraraka was suspicious, but followed anyway. Bakugou didn't take her to his house though. He took her to the bad side of town with his bag in hand. He pushed her in a dark alley way and pinned her into a wall. "Bakugou?? What the fuck??" Uraraka said as she was trying to free herself from Bakugou's grip. "You. Ochako Uraraka. You are in the way of me and my Izuku. So I have come to get rid of you." Bakugou said grabbing a knife from his pocket. "What do you mean get rid of me?? And what do you mean by my Izuku?! You don't own him!!" Uraraka said trying harder to get free. "Well not technically, but I have rightfully claimed him as mine the moment I saw him when we were kids."
He said as he put the knife to her neck. "And I guess this is goodbye. I am terribly sorry about this. Actually, not at all. I've wanted to get rid of you the moment you talked to Deku, but here I am. Finally doing it." Uraraka was starting to cry now, she wasn't ready to die. "P-Please don't kill me!" She pleaded. But Bakugou's smile just widened. "Goodnight~" After he said that, he pushed the knife into her neck and watched her bleed to death. He began to laugh. After he was done and he knew she was dead, he wrote "He is mine" in her blood so that everyone knows that Izuku is his. After, he began to clean up the crime scene. He then was thinking of a way to dispose the body. 'Might as well burn this peice of shit..' he thought to himself. He brought her to a nearby fire he found, and dropped her. "Oops~" he said smiling. When he collected his stuff, he went to a nearby bathroom and changed into some extra clothes he brought with him. When he was done, he walked home. "Why are you here so late???" Bakugou's mom said when he walked in the house. "I had some shit to take care of at school." He said as he was going up the stairs. He grabbed his homework, and threw his bag with his stuff in hiding place to clean later. He did his homework, took a shower, and then layed in bed smiling to himself.

The next day, he went to Izuku's house.
"Hey Kacchan!!!" Izuku said as he hugged Bakugou again. Bakugou hugged back smiling. They walked to class, and when they arrived they sat in their seats. Aizawa walked in with a surprisingly, sad expression. "Okay everyone settle down and sit at your seats now. I have something important to tell you." Everyone looked at him with a confused Expression, but sat down. Bakugou on the other hand, suspected that they found out Uraraka has gone missing. "Alright. So you all know Uraraka isn't here, correct?" They all nodded. "Well... She has gone missing. When we were looking at the bad side of town to see if she was there, we found writing on an alley way wall that said 'He Is Mine' in blood." He paused for a moment. "We suspect that she might be dead, but we looked everywhere and couldn't find a body." He looked around the room. "I'll give everyone about a week off to take this in. Your dismissed"  He then left the room.
Izuku then started crying. Bakugou noticed, and ran over to him. "Shhh~" he said as he was trying to calm him down. He didn't feel bad at all about killing Uraraka, but he did feel terrible about making his Izuku cry.
"K-Kacchan.. do you think she's dead?? Do you think we can find her if we look hard enough?.." Izuku said as he cried in Bakugou's chest. Bakugou thought for a moment on how to cheer his Izuku up. "How about you stay over at my house today?" Bakugou said hugging Izuku tighter. Izuku just nodded and let go of Bakugou to get his bag. When they got their stuff, they walked to Bakugou's house. "KATSU-" Bakugou's mom stopped yelling as soon as Izuku walked into the house. "Hello Izuku!" She said as Izuku sniffed. "Have you been crying?! I swear if Katsuki did something I'll beat his-" Izuku cut her off. "N-No Auntie.. My friend has gone m-missing and the teachers think she's dead.."
Izuku started to cry even more into Bakugou's chest. Bakugou's dad was in the room at the time and looked at Bakugou with a sinister smile, although no one noticed but Bakugou. "Oh Izuku.. She'll be okay, she isn't dead." Bakugou's mom said hugging Izuku. "How about you stay the night? I'll call your mom to come over as well." Izuku sniffed, then nodded. Bakugou took Izuku up the stairs and into their room
They talked for a while, and did homework until it was around 10:21 PM when Izuku fell asleep. Bakugou picked him up and tucked him into his bed. When he knew Izuku was comfortable, he sat down and watched him sleep. (Totally not creepy)

In the morning, Izuku woke up to see Bakugou staring at him. "Why were you watching me Kacchan?" Izuku said as he was rubbing his eyes with his hands. "O-Oh. You were uhm..crying in your sleep so I wanted to see if you were okay?" Bakugou said blushing badly. "Oh.."

The weeks went by, and Bakugou was killing off his 'competition'. No one has found out who it was, but they've kept finding "He Is MINE" written in their blood. After Uraraka, they found Todoroki's body in a trash bin in a alley way. After that, they found Iida slumped on a wall in an abandoned building. After those two were found dead, Izuku fell into some kind of depression. He felt like it was somehow his fault that they all died.

It's been a couple months, and no one has died in a while. Bakugou decided that he would confess his feelings to Izuku.
He called him and asked him to meet him under the big tree on the hill. (I'm just making that up, I'm not sure if there is a hill with a tree) Izuku agreed, and all Bakugou had to do was wait until Izuku arrived.

After a couple minutes, Izuku came. "Hey Kacchan! What did you want to meet up for?" Bakugou took a deep breath. "I've wanted to tell you this for a while, Izuku..
I uhm.. love you.. and I have for a while. Do you like me back?" Bakugou took another deep breath. "I like you too Kacchan!!" Izuku said as he ran up to hug Bakugou. Bakugou was so happy that Izuku liked him back. He got what he wanted, and he was happy.


I started to make this yesterday, but it was my birthday yesterday TvT
You don't have to say anything about it though. And daNg-
This was long!

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