God placed man in an environment that brought out his purpose

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The Lord God planted a garden eastward in Eden, and there He put the man whom He had formed. - Genesis 2:8 (NKJV)

The environment God places you in brings out His purpose in your life. The environment that God places you in is the only place where you can reach maximum potential. When you know your purpose in life, you are not in a rush to get into a relationship. You want to grow more into the person that God created you to be. 

There is a reason God placed Adam in the garden of Eden. He didn't just put him there for some form of display. He was placed there to fulfill that which God deposited within him. 

Why has God placed you where you are? 

 Then the Lord God took []the man and put him in the garden of Eden to []tend and keep it. - Genesis 2:15 (NKJV)

Eden was the spot that God placed Adam in. In that spot, He was to fulfill that which God wanted him to fulfill. Another key thing we should know about the spot of Eden is that it had the presence of God. You are not reaching purpose without the presence of God. Adam could only fulfill everything he needed to because of having the presence of God. God's presence is everything. Without the presence of God, we cannot do much, or anything at all. 

In the scripture above, We learn something new about Adam's spot. God put him there for a reason. God predestined you to fulfill purpose, the purpose for which you were created. Everybody wants to know what God wants them to do. But we look in the wrong places. We have to look to God. He placed Adam in Eden. God should be the only one that places you where you will fulfill His purposes. 

Do you know what Adam had to do in that garden? The Bible says, he was placed there to tend and to keep it. Eden isn't a small garden where we have our beautiful vegetables and tomatoes. Eden was Adam's territory. There were animals of different kinds. Birds. Beasts. Elephants. There was so much beauty in the garden that Herbivores and Carnivores lived together without causing an imbalance in the food chain. Isn't that amazing? 

What was Adam's purpose?

The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it. - Genesis 2:15 (NIV)

God placed Adam in the garden for it to be worked and taken care of by Adam. God had no responsibility of taking care of the garden. God's responsibility was to take care of his boy and Adam had to care of the garden. He had to guard it, to protect it, to reserve it and observe it. Adam was the manager of Eden. What a good job! I'd want to run things in Eden.

This might not look so glamorous, but it is what God wanted him to do. What God wants for you to do is more important than what you want to do. God is our Father. 

Jesus is our example

 For I have come down from heaven, not to do My own will, but the will of Him who sent Me. - John 6:38 (NKJV)

It seems Adam didn't talk much and he doesn't seem to say much about why he did what he did. But Jesus? Jesus is different. He tells us. He says, ' I have come from heaven, not to do my own will, but the will of Him who sent me. ' 

So now we understand why Adam tilled the land of Eden. It's what his Father wanted him to do. 

What happens when we do not do what the Father wants?

 So, the Lord God sent him out of the garden of Eden. To get his food, Adam had to dig the ground that God had used to make him. - Genesis 3:23 (EASY) 

I am not sure if we understand how painful this might have been for God. Did you know that God is a person? If He is a person, it means He has a personality. He felt sad to send out somebody that He placed in the garden. Nobody told Him to place Adam in the garden of Eden. God did it Himself. Never disregard what God has deposited in you. Maybe you have the gift of singing or dancing or whatever it is that God has gifted you with, use it to glorify Him. Never think of it as a small thing. It's big. Because of where it comes from. Gifts mean a lot because of where the came from. Isn't it amazing to receive a gift from our parents? God gave you those gifts so that you use them to glorify Him. 

Remember, Adam was the manager of Eden. He never struggled to eat. He was in charge of Eden. And God told him to eat whatever he wanted to eat, except for that one tree. Adam was living the life. But now after he tries his own things, he has to get food from the ground that he was made from. 

Guard what you have with all your might 

Then God put special angels to guard the garden. God put them on the east side of the garden. There was also a sword of fire that moved quickly from side to side. As a result, nobody could go near to the tree that gives life. - Genesis 3:24 - (EASY)

Something happened here. Something tragic. First Adam loses the presence of God then he loses the thing that God gave him to work. Remember when we learned that Adam was the keeper of the garden? Remember we learned that he kept the garden. Meaning, he had to protect it, guard it and preserve it, right? 

So now, the thing he was supposed to protect is being protected against him. I kept thinking to myself. If Adam was told to protect the garden, what was he protecting it from, considering that he was the only human being around? A lot of times we will never understand why God wants us to do certain things. God's wisdom will always be better than the wisdom of man. If God wants you to sing, please sing. Don't ask Him about your acting gifts. If He says you should sing, do sing. 

One thing we also learn here is that God is not limited. Adam was supposed to be doing the job that these special angels were doing. Do not think that God cannot use another person. He is not limited. Much as we might have all these gifts and amazing talents, God wants us to represent Him here on Earth. If Jesus represents us in Heaven, we should be His representatives on Earth.

You might ask, how does this relate to being single? Good question! Does Adam have a wife when He is placed in the garden? Does he have a boo? Does he have a honey? No he doesn't! You will not know everything you are supposed to do while you are single, but when you are, God easily reaches out to you. God can easily command you. When you have so many things going on in your life, God's voice slowly begins to be drown in the many voices that speak around you. You have the voice of the flesh. The voice of parents. The voice of friends. The voice of the devil and the voice of your spouse/girlfriend. 

When you do not know your purpose, any one of these voice can have significance in your life. Will you let God show you what He wants you to do today? 

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