March 2020 (Part 1)

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I really love this scene that's why I couldn't forget it until now and I insert it here.


I could remember vividly when I went inside a convenience store (7/11). That time I was craving for a fried chicken and a pro biotic drink. But as I went inside, I was really shocked. It's because I had to fall in line and the line was very long. But I was craving for those foods that's why I needed to be patient. Sad to say, I think people were craving for those foods too. I was very sad because the person before me bought the last piece of chicken. I was devastated that time but I left no choice. I went outside with a heavy heart. I was really craving and at the same time I was really sad. So I decided to get inside another (7/11) convenience store. I was so glad when I saw that there were many pieces of fried chicken available on that convenience store. Though I saw the chicken were not freshly cooked, but I guess it was okay for as long as I could eat the food I was craving for. I was the first person on the line and I ordered the foods immediately to the staff but he was really busy. He was busy in arranging the food items on the counter. When he finished, I smiled to him and told him my order. But I was shocked because he entertained the person who was next to me. The other people were looking at me for they knew that I was the first person on the line. Sad to say, I didn't have anything to do for he already entertained the person next to me. That person was so happy for she could chose the big part of the fried chicken.

I was annoyed and pissed off so I immediately exited without saying a word to them. While I was walking on the side of the street, I wanted to cry. It might be shallow as it may seem but that's what I felt. I thought that maybe the staff didn't entertain me because I looked poor because of the clothes and slipper I wore. Well, actually I am but I was really hurt.

Later, I saw the previous (7/11) convenience store I went in and I had a doubt in my mind that I would go back to that store. Suddenly, I just felt that my feet led me to the entrance of the store's door. I sighed and went inside and to my surprise, there were many freshly cooked fried chicken and rice!

I was really happy and come to think of it, I was the first person to order those foods that I was craving for.


1. Everything happens for a reason. Sometimes, God doesn't grant the favor we are asking no matter how we wanted and dying to get that thing. It is because He will give us better thing that we less expected.

2. Be patient. There are times that God doesn't give us immediately (like just one snap) the things we are praying for. It is just that He wanted to test us how deep our patience and faith to Him.  He also wanted to test us what's our attitude while waiting for Him to answer our prayers.

3.God's ways are really mysterious for us to comprehend.


Glory to God!

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