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Jada knocked on Jahseh's door with her notebook filled with baby names. jahseh opened the door and sighed once he saw her, "what do you want jada the baby don't got an appointment." he said.

"before you chew my head and off and get upset with me. i just wanted to give you this, it's all the baby names i wrote down and i thought you should have a chance to see what you wanted to name our baby unless you already had a name picked." she said softly not wanting to upset more then she already did.

she handed him the book and he snatched it out her hands harshly. "alright you can go now." he said smartly shutting the door in his face. "why'd i have to get pregnant by him." she mumbled getting back into her car and driving home.


it was 3 in the morning and jada's phone kept going off making her groan and rub her belly before looking at her phone that was now ringing. "hello?" she asked sleepy. "yo jada, jahseh just arrested for fighting and we kind of need you to bail him out." she heard stokeley on the other end.

"okay, how much is his bail?" she asked sitting up yawning.

"300 dollars." he said. "okay i'll be there in a few." she said getting out of bed. she went to her drawer and grabbed a couple hundreds and put on her slides not caring about the pajamas she was wearing. she grabbed her car keys and headed out the door to bail jahseh out.


"i'm here to bail jahseh onfroy out." she said in a bored tone just wanting to go to sleep. "alright ma'am he should be out in about 10 minutes." the women spoke after clicking things on her computer. jada sent her a nod and walked over to stokeley. "night stokes tell jahseh the next appointment is in two weeks, since he'll probably snap on me for even being in his face." she spoke give him a friendly hug.

"alright jada stay safe." stokeley said. "i will." she said walking out the building. jahseh didn't deserve jada at all after everything he put her through with his embarrassment and cheating when they used to date.  she drove back home and wasted no time getting back in bed.

as soon as she shut her eyes her phone rung, "oh my lord what now." she spoke answering whoever was calling. "hello?" she mumbled. "thank you." she heard jahseh's voice. "your welcome, bye jahseh." she said not wanting to deal with his rudeness tonight. "wait jada, let me talk to you for a minute. i miss you." he spoke.

"talk about what jahseh?" she asked with her eyes closed. he let out a sigh, "us." he whispered. "what about us?" she asked. "how you been, ion really see you much besides appointments." he said. "fine, i would come around but i'd like to avoid your hatred toward me." she said.

"i don't hate you jada but i do love you." he admitted. "have you picked a name yet?" she asked ignore his i love you. he sighed at the fact that she didn't say it back, "yeah actually i have." he said. "okay what is it?" she asked turning over. "gekyume." he said.

"that's a pretty cool name and it's different i like it." she whispered. "i miss you jada a lot." he mumbled. "okay jahseh." she replied back. "you miss me right?" he asked. "of course i do." she said. "i love you." jahseh said. "you do?" she asked. "yes baby, i do with everything in me." he said. "oh." she said.

he groaned. "don't be like that." he spoke. "i'm not being like anything." she responded. "you love me?" he asked.

"yes i love you." she said sighing. "i love you more." he mumbled. "yeah i find that hard to believe." she stated. "i know i'm an ass, but i do love you mamas." he whispered gently into the phone.

"what ever Jahseh." she said closing her eyes. "let me come over real quick." he said. "it's like 3 am no stay home, i don't need your negativity." she informed. "i'm coming over." he said hanging up the phone. she shrugged and went back asleep knowing he'd know how to get in the house.


Jahseh set his keys on Jada's dresser seeing she was asleep snoring loudly from the lack of sleep she'd been getting making him smile. he got in the bed with her laying in between her legs placing his hands on her stomach before placing kisses on it.

"i love you already and i haven't even met you yet." he whispered. "i'm sorry for the way i've treated your mom, she doesn't deserve it neither do you because it stresses her out and that affects you. i love her so much more than i've loved any girl." he admitted. Jada begin to wake hearing his whispers.

"i love you both, so much. words can't even explain it." he finished placing a kiss on her stomach. "we love you too." she spoke making him look at her. "did i wake you?" he asked. "no." she responded. "i missed you." he stated. "you seen me yesterday." she spoke. "yeah but i missed us just being together in a relationship." he said.

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