He's back

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Heavy rain falls down, Making noises in every ones roof. I off my TV as the thunder began to strike.

I let out a heavy sigh and go downstairs, to the kitchen.

"Manang you can sleep now" Its dark down here but I can see my maid still doing stuff. Didn't even care to switch the light on.

She didn't response, focus on doing her stuffs.

"Gonna go upstairs na Manang. It's late na, you should be in bed now." Still, no response.

I let out a sigh and started my step. But before I could reach the stairs, she talks.

"Lahat ng ginawa moy babalik sayo" Confuse, I glanced at the kitchen but all I could see is full darkness.

I ignore it and take my step going upstairs.

I was about to enter my room when my phone vibrate. I answer it but something caught my attention, a shadow at the corner of my room. My eyebrows met and I strained to look at the standing shadow in the corner.

"H-hello Meg?" I stopped as I heard Erika sobbing from the phone. I worried suddenly, but I still did not take my eyes off the shadow.

"Erika? What happened?" I ask as I moved my door to close.

"M-meg remember that g-guy?... The man we p-played with? M-manang Tessa's s-son?" I could feel the fear in his voice. What happened? I turned again to the corner where the shadow was, but it suddenly disappeared.

I looked for it in another corner but could not find it. Maybe it's just an illusion.

"W-waaaaah H-he's back.... He's back"

"Erika? Erika what happened? Anong nangyayari? Who's back? Answer me" I keep on shouting but I received nothing, she hang up.

I was worried so I hurriedly reached for the door knob and pinned it open, but it did not open.


I was trying to open the door when my cellphone suddenly rang, Erika was calling.

I answered it quickly, but I dropped my cellphone when I suddenly heard a familiar voice, it was singing.

"You are my sunshine,my only sunshine
You make me happy, when skies are gray
You'll never know dear, how much I love you,
Please don't take my sunshine away~"

My heartbeat quickened, I was terrified and I sat on the floor crying.

"No this isn't happening, no, no... No, it can't be, it can't be. You're dead already" I shouted while crying. I feel like I'm going crazy, tweaking my own hair.

"But it's happening" I immediately stood up when I heard that voice from the other corner of my room.

I saw the shadow again, My whole body was shaking. Trying to convince myself that this is not true. That this is just an illusion.

"HAHAHAH Hindi ka pa din nagbabago babe... Don't you miss me? Do you love me no more?" He's slowly moving towards where I was.

I backed away until my back hit the cold wall. I was even more frightened because of the force of the pouring rain along with the thunder and lightning.

"N-no I didn't and I will n-never. Go to hell you motherfucker" I shouted, but he just laugh. "Go to hell, I don't love you. B-bat ka pa bumalik? Patay ka na, pinatay na kita"

"I'm just keeping my promise my love" I tried to squeeze myself as he approached and touched my cheek. "Didn't I tell you, I don't break promises babe?"

I was terrified by his grin. I squeezed myself even harder when he wiped my cheek that was wet from my tears. My whole body was shaking.

"And now I gotta fulfill the promise I told you a week ago" He smiled, its creepy "Do you remember it babe? Or should I tell you once again?"

I can no longer speak or move. I was scared of his face piercing. He knew very well that I was afraid of those.

"As what I promise before... I will never leave you. Pero dahil Hindi na ako makakabalik sa pagiging tao..." He grinned even more which gave me horror. "So I'll gonna take you with me"

And I just felt the knife stuck in my back. Before I lost consciousness I saw her grinning and looking at my fall.


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