Chapter 4

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"Thank you Miss Hana" Kyoya thanked smirking

"For what?" I asked coldly

I saw Kyoya remove the contract soon revealing one beneath it, I gasped in shock as I ran to the contract beneath it. 'I see what he did! He cut out the signature part and put this other one beneath it!' I thought examining the paper. The contract stated that I must become a club member, 

"Why you little-" I said glaring at Kyoya,

My sentence was cut off as I saw someone open the room. I glanced at the door as I saw Haruhi panting saying something about being late, soon the host club was filled with guests that admired the tropical rain forest. I sighed thinking of a way to get rid of the contract until I bumped into someone, I looked up to see a woman with short brown hair,

"Oh, I'm sorry! Are you okay?" She asked with slight worry in her voice

"I'm fine, It's not your fault, I bumped into you" I said softening my face

I then walked away to go to Kyoya, and try to find someway to rip up that contract. I spotted him talking to Haruhi about something and turned to face me.

"You know that there's no way to get out of this situation" He said smirking, writing down something in that stupid black book of his.

I sighed knowing that he's right, but still, it's actually quite entertaining to be in here. I'll stay and see what happens along the way. I heard Tamaki mention something about a party,

'wait a minute... Oh shi-

I ran like hell for the exit until I felt hands on each side of my shoulder, 

"You're not going anywhere" I heard two familiar voices say in sync

I shivered turning my head to face the two devils, I sighed in defeat and went to sit down.


I sat down in the room mumbling about regret while the other host club members began to prepare for some dance next week. Then they started rambling on about Haruhi's old self and trying to be more girly, and dances and blah blah blah.

"Oi Michiko, help pass out fliers for the dance!"  Hikaru yelled

"WHY?!" I rebelled 

Kyoya simply held up the contract while still typing on his stupid laptop. 'I hate my life'  I thought sighing in defeat.

"Okay how's this, let's have a little contest, me versus those carrot heads, we have to pass out the fliers as fast as we can, If I win, I don't have to dance, If you do you choose" I said sipping my tea, "Deal" they both said smirking.
(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ ✧゚・: *ヽ(◕ヮ◕ヽ)(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ ✧゚・: *ヽ(◕ヮ◕ヽ)(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ ✧゚・: *ヽ(◕ヮ◕ヽ)(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ ✧゚・: *ヽ(◕ヮ◕ヽ)

Hikaru and Kaoru are passing out fliers like wildfire with their damn flirting methods, 

'I'll lose at this point' I thought looking at the fliers I needed to pass out

It was then I got a brilliant Idea. I grabbed my fliers and ran to the dining hall, the twins chased after me amused to see what I would do. I ran into the hall pretending to trip, the papers flew around everywhere, 

"My gosh are you alright?!"

"Oh! I hope she's okay!" 

"She's short.." 

A whole bunch of other worried whispers ran through the hall. I looked up to show everyone my fake tears,

"I-I'm sorry, I-I just wanted everyone to go to this dance, i-i didn't mean to cause trouble, It would mean so much if someone would go, I just wanted to see everyone's smile at the dance, b-but no one will go" I said crying,

"Poor girl, I'll come!

"Me too!"

"She's still short.."

Everyone around the room smiled at me as Hikaru and Kaoru helped me up, Everyone picked up the fliers happy to help,

'Hehehe suckers' I thought still fake crying a bit,

"Tch damn she's good" The twins said staring at me

I smirked at them and walked off back to the host club.

(─‿‿─)(─‿‿─)(─‿‿─)(─‿‿─)(─‿‿─)(─‿‿─)(─‿‿─)(AT THE DANCE)(─‿‿─)(─‿‿─)(─‿‿─)(─‿‿─)(─‿‿─)(─‿‿─)

I wore a simple white dress that Tamaki had provided for me and had my hair slightly curled at the ends. Honestly I don't know why I bothered to come. I walked out of the changing curtain and turned to face the boys,  they all gaped except for Kyoya and Takashi and Tamaki who wasn't here, neither was Haruhi, Takashi too, Hmm, I wonder where they went. 

"Wow Michi-chan! You look so cute!" The flower boy said cutely 

"She is but" Kaoru stated

"She's missing something" Hikaru finished

They both stared at each other before smirking towards me

"Pettanko" They said smirking

Kyoya stiffled a laugh while Hunny tilted his head to one side wondering what a pettanko* was. Multiple tick marks appeared on my head as I kicked the twin into a wall, causing the wall to collapse. I huffed and turned to face the others,

"Wheres Tama-baka and Haruhi?" I asked like the nickname I made for Tamaki, 

"Tama-chan and Haru-chan are on a mission right now!" Hunny said smiling cutely

I blushed at his super kawaii face and quickly turned away. Haruhi soon came into the room being carried by Takashi, who placed her down on the ground,

"You didn't have to be so forceful!" she said glaring at Takashi

"Never mind that! Hurry up and change!" Hikaru said handing her a dress and wig

"Yeah! Change!" Hunny said pushing Haruhi into the dress curtain

I heard Haruhi sigh as she changed into the dress, She came out and sat down on a chair as the twins applied makeup on her,

'I'm glad they didn't put makeup on me' I though, grimacing at the sight with me with makeup on.

Tamaki entered the room blushing at the sight of Haruhi's cute dress and makeup, she really did look like a legit girl at this moment, Haruhi then stumbled out of the room tripping on her heels, complaining about her face feeling heavy and not being able to walk in the heels. 

      (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ(づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ(づ。◕‿‿◕。)づTIMESKIP TO KANAKO AND TOHRU(づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ(づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ(づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ
I watched as some guy and the girl I bumped into danced with each other as some sort of spotlight shined over them.

"It's time to congratulate Princess Kasugazaki and Tohru Suzushima" Hikaru announced holding a banana

Everyone started clapping and I clapped along,

"And now time for her reward a Kiss from the king!"

"Haruhi Fujioka will be taking his place" Kaoru finished

Tamaki and Haruhi were panicking as Hikaru and Kaoru blamed it on Kyoya. Haruhi went to go kiss Kanako, but then Hunny mentioned something about this being her first kiss, Tamaki freaked out and went to stop her, but he slipped on Hikaru's banana peel and pushed Haruhi's back, making her kiss Kanako on the lips,  got to feel some sympathy for Haruhi, poor thing...

Tamaki started bawling as Haruhi smiled at the happy couple, I felt a faint smile tug on my lips, I quickly hid my smile, I haven't smiled since the 'incident'. 

Time to make a new note to self...
Beware of the banana's in this anime...

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