Chapter 14

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I walked into the gardens of Ouran and sighed.

"Of all the days...Why did we have to run out of pocky today..And I just bought that stuff yesterday..." I muttered to myself, moping sadly. I then heard footsteps nearby. Cautiously, I ran behind a bush and looked around to see if the person was nearby. I then saw a little girl with pigtails, blue eyes, and a cute pink sailor uniform.

Sighing, I walked out of the bush and headed to the Host Club. I wonder what a little girl is doing in this high school...Hm. Maybe she's looking for someone...


"What the...?" I walked into the Host Club to see everyone in a police outfit.

"Oh, It's only Michiko." The twins said with a shrug before walking to a couch and whipping out their pfps(ANIME REFERENCEEEE~!).

"Wow...So you guys really are strippers!" I exclaimed with an "o" shaped mouth. Tamaki shrieked at my assumption and ran up to me.

"Young lady! You must not use such crude language!!"

"It's not crude language. It's a valid fact.." I stated, putting up my finger matter-of-factly.

"My, my daddy~! What a horrible example you've set up for your daughter.." I said, shaking my head in disapproval. Tamaki turned into stone and chipped a chunk of his head.


"And perverted~!" I added in a sing-song voice with a smirk. Tamaki sobbed and nodded his head, absorbing all of the insults that I threw at him.


We all turned our heads to see the door crack open, revealing the little girl I saw earlier in the front gardens. Almost immediately, as if on instinct, everyone including me rushed to the door.

"Hello little girl~" Tamaki cooed.

"Tamaki quit being a pedophile.." I said bluntly.

"Pedophile..?" The girl repeated quietly.

"Yeah! Call this man exactly that!" I said, giving her a thumbs up with a blank, but positive face.

"Okay!" She said with a smile.

"Wait...." She said, trailing off as she looked directly at everyone.

"THIS IS A REVERSE HAREM!" She declared as all of us looked at her in shock.

"Hahaha! There must be water in my ears from when we went swimming~!" Tamaki sang, nodding his head.

"Yeah water in our ears!" Hikaru repeated.

"That explains it! There's no way this sweet little girl said the words, 'reverse harem'...Something must be wrong with our ears!" Kaoru stated, cleaning out his ears.

"Stop lying to yourselves...Don't deny it, we all heard it" I said. They all sighed.

"There's debauchery here!" The little girl said. We all looked at her in shock again as she bounced up and down.

"Yaaaay~! There's debauchery here? Isn't there!" The girl said happily.

"I don't think that's a good thing.." I mumbled.

"Yeah..." The Host Club whispered in agreement.

"You're the glasses type!" The adolescent stated, pointing at Kyoya. I stifled a laugh and instead smirked at Kyoya as he glared back.

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