Time for a Day Out

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"I'm just saying having Ellis on our escapade could prove beneficial for the mission."

Team RWBY is walking through the halls of Beacon to get to Grimm studies. Weiss trying to convince them to let Ellis join her while she goes to get documents from the Schnee Dust Company.

Yang smiles at her, "Are you sure you're not just trying to get more "alone time" with Ellis?"

Ruby looks over to her confused, "Why would she be alone with him? I'm going with them too, if he does come."

Yang pats Ruby's head and smiles sweetly, "Maybe when you're older."

Weiss face palms at Yang while she slyly smiles, and Ruby looks even more confused. Weiss holds her hand out properly, "You digress. Ellis could prove a good back up for me... and Ruby... if we run into trouble."

Blake looks to the side and sighs, "I'm not sure... it could be a bad idea."

Yang bumps her with her arm, "Eeh, let's just do it to make the Ice queen happy."

Blake sighs once again and nods, while Weiss just yells for yang to stop with the nickname.

Eventually Team RWBY make it near Ports class and find Team EMRC about to walk in. Ruby yells for them to stop and EMRC walk up to RWBY all with happy faces, except Diana, who's still too far into her book to stop and pay attention. Ruby looks at them exited while whisper-shouting, "We're gonna go on a secret mission and Weiss said you guy's should come!"

Ellis looks at them exited, "That's nuts!" He holds his thumb up, "Of course I'll come."

Jack puts his fist up to his chest, "I'm in. Phillip?"

Phillip scratches the back of his head, awkward, "Actually... Nora invited me over to join her and Ren for pancake's over in there dorm, and... I really don't want to miss out. Sorry guys..."

Ellis looks at Diana who's reading, "What about you Diana?"

She looks at them, her face seeming nervous, "I'm... busy tonight... I need to study for Oobleck's history class and... look I'm just busy ok?"

Ellis looks sad for a moment before shaking himself out of it, "Alright. I guess its just me and Jack."

Blake looks at him with a serious expression, "We'll talk about it after class because we're doing this today. Wear something different, and don't be late."

Both Jack and Ellis salute, with jack remarking, "Yes ma'am!"

Blake pulls an unimpressed expression walking into the classroom, "Good."

They all walk into class and sit through another lesson of Port telling stories about himself, its once again drowned out by inaudible noises while everyone either struggles to stay awake, reads, or works on random things. Class ends, feeling like an eternity had passed. They all walk out and go to their dorm rooms get ready.

Jack wears longer, just above his bicep, fingerless, green-padded black gloves, on his head a pair of smaller than normal flight goggles with brown rims and green glass, his shirt a singlet that is just about skin-tight, his pants are also slightly form fitting on his legs, held on by two belts, one a light green the other a misty white, his shoes are boots coloured a shiny black.

Ellis, not wearing his regular jacket, places on a long-sleeved, vertically striped, purple and yellow shirt with a hood on it, he also wears dark purple pants with yellow nuts and bolts patterning over them, his shoes black with yellow bottoms.

The two leave their dorm rooms, saying goodbye to Phillip and Diana as they leave, and walk to Team RWBY's dorm. They knock on the door and Weiss pulls them in in a hurry. The two regain their composure and see the girls room has shabbily made bunkbeds, one tied in the air with rope with drapes around it slightly, and the other staying up by books underneath it. The girls also had new outfits like Ellis and Jack, Ellis smiles at them, "Love the new outfits girls, especially yours Weiss." Weiss looks away slightly blushing with a pout, her outfit wears a white double breasted pea coat with black piping, cuffs and several buttons over a white, pleated full skirt housing a black lace trim, she also has a pair of white, thigh-high boots on that have black heels and black stockings underneath.

RWBY Fanfic: Team EMRC  Volume 2Where stories live. Discover now