Mission Start

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Team RWBY stands shocked, confused, and all around surprised at the fact the Huntsman that would be supervising them was none other than the green haired, energetic Grimm History teacher, Dr. Oobleck. Weiss bends back slightly at the sight of him, "Professor Oobleck?"

The Dr had a large backpack on with camping equipment, a long brown great coat, along with a khaki unbuttoned safari shirt and a pith helmet. The Dr paces back and forth across the girls as he speaks, "Yes I'm afraid those bags won't be necessary girls. Seeing as you've chosen to accompany a Huntsman on what is now essentially a reconnaissance mission. I can assure you we will not be establishing a single base of operations. Rather we will be traversing several miles of hazardous wasteland and making camp in any defendable locations we may stumble upon. I've packed all our essentials myself, provided the air course, and readied the airship." He points a finger up, "And!" He then quickly brings his face to a surprised Weiss, "It's Dr. Oobleck. I didn't earn a PhD for fun thank you very much."

He speeds himself back in front of all four girls while Weiss looks over at the others, still somewhat confused about what just happened, letting out an, "Uuh..."

Oobleck points a finger to the air, "Come now children, according to my schedule we are already three minutes behind, schedule."

Oobleck speeds faster than even Ruby towards the bullhead and enters it while Team RWBY takes a moment to try and comprehend everything the fast talking Dr had said. Ruby looks at them determined, "Well alright then, looks like we're going to save the world with, Dr. Oo-bleck..." She slouches down, "Okay yeah when you say it out loud it sounds worse."

From behind them, they can all hear the disgruntled shouts of Nora Valkyrie, "Save the world??" Team RWBY turn around to see all of Team JNPR walking towards them, "You're going on world-saving missions without us?? I'm hurt, and sad! Maybe a little hungry? That last one's not my fault, though." She glares daggers at Ren, "Ren!"

Jaune smiles at the team in front of him and speaks up, "Sounds exiting, where are ya going?"

Ruby grips on the backpack she's wearing and smiles at them, "Oh, just outside the kingdom."

Nora looks at them exited, "Hey! So are we!"

Pyrrha places her hands on her hips, "Ren and Nora wanted to shadow the sheriff of a nearby village."

Ren nods towards RWBY, "We set out tomorrow."

Then all of a sudden, Sun and Neptune come in between them, Sun crossing his arms and Neptune happily saying, "Then you can party with us tonight! We're shadowing a crime specialist. All inner-city detective stuff. We get junior badges."

Jaune looks at them with stars in his eyes at the mention of the badges, "Ooohhooohh!"

Sun pipes up, "Normally we go to the city with you guys, which normally means stuff is exploding and junk. So we thought this might be a better way to check out the kingdom when it's, y'know, normal."

Weiss looks puzzled at everyone before piping up, "Do you guys know where Ellis and the rest of his team are?"

Everyone exchanges glances before Pyrrha speaks up, "Diana texted me and said that they had to leave about as soon as they chose their mission, apparently the Huntsman their shadowing doesn't like waiting. A teacher from Atlas."

Weiss looks even more confused, "Which one?"

Pyrrha tries reading his name but squints her eyes as if the name were difficult to read for a moment, "Ch-Chiaro... Bianco? Chiaro Bianco."

The colour in Weiss' already pale face leaves, making her white as a ghost and everyone looks at her, Ruby even giving her a little shake, "Hey, Weiss, are you okay?"

RWBY Fanfic: Team EMRC  Volume 2Where stories live. Discover now