Chapter 8

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            Lilibeth was trying to claw her way out of the depths of the water, out of the icy fingers of death itself, but it was to no avail. Her lungs were screaming for air, the pain piercing as she felt her last breaths leaving her body. She could see a dark figure descending from above, coming to claim her life. She wanted to scream, but she had no air left to give. She felt her throat begin to contrast, it felt as if there was something trying to strangle her. She wanted to breathe in, even if only to end the torture that she was in. She felt something around her waist, a pulling sensation that brought her upward towards the surface, but she couldn’t tell what it was. She could see little black specks at the edge of her vision, and just when she thought she would black out, she felt the cool air against her face. She felt like she had been slammed onto the ground. She started to gasp for air, trying to get as much into her lungs as she could, but it wasn’t helping.

“Lilibeth! Lilibeth, look at me!” she heard a voice shouting. She saw a looming figure above her, but she couldn’t quite make out who it was. She was still breathing heavily, but she felt lightheaded.

“Lilibeth, slow down. Steady your breathing, slowly,” the voice said. Lilibeth started to breathe slower then, still deep breaths, but it seemed to be helping. Her vision started to clear up. She saw wide hazel eyes looking down at her. Blaine had saved her, his hands resting on her shoulders trying to get her attention. She started to cough, and a concerned look came across his face.

“Hey there,” Blaine said, “are you alright?”

Lilibeth was able to stop coughing after a few seconds, but her breathing was still heavy.

“Yes,” she said. Her voice sounded hoarse. Blaine helped her up into a sitting position, his body was close to hers, and she felt blood rushing to her face when she noticed everyone was staring at them. Even Victoria looked concerned. Lilibeth saw Hunter looking at her with just as much concern as Blaine was.

“You were right there Hunter, why didn’t you do anything?” Blaine said in anger.

“I didn’t…,” Hunter said.

“You didn’t know she couldn’t swim? Typical Hunter, not paying attention as always.”

Everyone was still looking in her direction, and that’s when Lilibeth realized why they were still staring at her. She was shaking violently. Even though it was still warm out, she felt cold. There was still adrenaline running through her veins, and she didn’t know what to do about it.

“Why don’t you go inside and freshen up?” Blaine said. “It might do you good to take a warm shower and get out of those wet clothes. I’ll make some tea for when you’re done.”

Lilibeth’s cheeks started to redden up at the notion. She knew he didn’t mean it in a weird way, but it sounded like it. She had a sudden realization.

“I don’t have a change of clothes with me,” she said shyly.

“That’s alright, you can borrow some of mine until yours are dry. I have extras in the cabin.”

“Okay,” she said hesitantly.

She tried to stand up on her own, but her knees were too shaky and she almost fell on her face, had Blaine not caught her.

“Sorry!” Lilibeth said quickly. She saw Hunter turn his head and start walking away. “I just need to get my balance.”

“That’s alright,” Blaine said. “Take all the time you need.”

Lilibeth felt her cheeks start to warm up again. She’d never actually been this close to Blaine. She could feel his body pressed against hers, and she wanted to stay in his caring arms. She felt his breath going across her neck, but his muscles felt tense, like he was trying to hold something back. She finally regained her composure and was able to walk on her own, although she was still shaky. Blaine walked in with her, retrieving the spare clothes and carefully placing them in the bathroom. After stepping into the bathroom, Lilibeth removed her wet garments to hang them up and stepped into the shower. She let the hot water run down her back, calming her nerves and relaxing her tense body. The realization of what really happened not five minutes earlier sunk in. Blaine saved me. She thought. At the recollection that she could have died just a few minutes ago, her knees felt weak. Luckily the shower had a place that she could take a seat. After spending way longer in the shower than she normally does, Lilibeth stepped out of the water and dried herself off. She picked up Blaine’s shirt and threw it on. It engulfed her body, obviously being too big. It smelt of his cologne, of a fresh and crisp stream, or maybe an ocean. She couldn’t tell the difference. It wasn’t overpowering like many tend to be. She smiled at the aroma. She looked down on herself, glad that the shirt was a solid black and wouldn’t show anything in the light. She found her way into the main room of the cabin, but the only person she saw there was Blaine.

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