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. 𝚙𝚕𝚞𝚜 𝚖𝚊𝚕𝚏𝚘𝚢'𝚜 𝚜𝚝𝚞𝚙𝚒𝚍 𝚒𝚗𝚓𝚞𝚛𝚢

         𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑 𝐒𝐋𝐎𝐖𝐋𝐘 𝐌𝐀𝐃𝐄 her way towards the Forbidden Forest with Harry, Hermione and Ron behind her. She had been ignoring Harry since she found out that he had been the one who ran after her. She was extremely embarrassed by it all and tried to stay out of his way more. Harry, who didn't know why she avoided him, felt hurt about this and he didn't know why exactly. Was it because of that dragon sitting in the pit of stomach everytime Percy makes Heather laugh or when George winks at her and makes her blush? He didn't know. He hated the feeling though, it confused him and it made him sick.

Once the class began, Heather didn't bother to listen. It's not like she didn't like Hagrid, she did but her mind was somewhere else. She was also very confused. She knew she liked George, she always had. Eversince he gave up his seat so she could sit in her first year to be exact. She had thought it was very gentlemanly of him and since then, her feelings for him grew. During her second year when children got petrified, she told George how she felt and told him that she didn't mind if he didn't feel the same. And her suspicions were right, George had only smiled at her and told her thank you. It hurt her, like fucking hell, but she only had put on a brave face and went on with her day.

And now here she was, feeling some type of way towards Harry. She didn't necessarily hate him that much anymore, she wasn't sure she hated him at all. She wasn't sure she liked him either, it was just this feeling inside her. Whenever she saw Hermione make Harry laugh, or Ginny make Harry laugh, she'd get jealous but she didn't know why. Was this how love felt? And if it is love, will her father allow her to date the boy who lived? He probably would, seeing as it is Harry and not some random like George or Percy. But then again, George and Percy are not randoms, if only her father saw that. It's not like she wanted to date Percy, she liked him, a lot, just like she told her father they enjoy each other's company. George on the other hand, she really wouldn't mind dating him or even kissing him, she really wouldn't.

A loud roar made Heather snap out of her thoughts and she saw Draco in front of the Hippogriff. Heather knew that you should never insult a Hippogriff, and you should let it make the first move, but apparently Draco thought his good charms would woo the Hippogriff. She saw it stand on its hind legs and how close Draco was to getting mauled by it, so Heather did the one thing she never thought she'd do in her entire life.

She lunged in front of Draco and took the hit for him.

Unfortunately the heroic act got her injured, as well as Draco, who clutched his arm even though Heather laid sprawled on him. Heather on the other hand, held her bleeding abdomen.

"Heather!" Harry cried out, wanting to rush forward but Buckbeak gave out a snarl and he meekly watched as Heather tightly clutched her bleeding abdomen. The only good part of this, was the fact that she was staining Draco's robes. He didn't know why she lunged forward to shield Draco from the Hippogriff, maybe it had something to do with her fear of werewolves. "Hagrid! Do something!" Harry angrily yelled at the half giant, who nodded and began shooing the Hippogriff away.

Once the Hippogriff was out of sight, Harry rushed towards Heather, Hermione and Ron followed close behind. The three friends helped Heather up and she nearly fell over but Ron quickly caught her, ignoring the warm blood seeping through his fingers.

"What were you thinking?!" Hermione hissed. "We need you to get you to Madam Pomfrey's! Draco as well!" She had hissed at Crabbe and Goyle, as well Blaise Zabini, who all thickly swallowed and nodded, for the first time taking orders from, as they would rudely put it, a mudblood.

"I wasn't thinking." Heather whispered and Hermione shushed her, saying that she asked a rhetorical question and didn't demand an answer.

"Blimey Heather! You could've died!" Harry yelled, shaking his head and he held her tighter. He only let his grip relax when he saw Heather wince in pain.

"But I didn't, and why do you even care?" Heather asked, snarling at the boy. Harry swallowed hard.

"I—um—don't." He told her and he saw the hurt in Heather's eyes. But he could never tell her that he did actually care, that he always had cared. He was sure Heather didn't feel the same. Who would ever love him? His parents are dead and some death omen thing is currently hovering above his head. Definitely no one.

"They why are you here?!" The pink haired Gryffindor yelled out, refusing to cry. "If you don't care, then maybe you should go!"

Harry looked like he was having a silent battle with himself on the inside for he didn't know what to do, go away like Heather asked him to? Or stay because he cares for her? However, Harry found himself nodding as he helped Ron lay Heather on a bed in the Hospital Wing. "Okay—I—er—will be in the common room." He told his friends and awkwardly shuffled out, holding open the door for Draco and his friends.

"Madam Pomfrey will be here any minute Heather." Hermione had assured the girl, who angrily sniffed and she wiped away her tears, leaving behind a smudge of blood. "Don't take Harry to heart Heather, he's a bit off these days."

"I'm not taking him to heart Hergranger." She whispered. "Ron, could you get Percy? Please?"

"Of course Heather!" The redhead beamed and rushed out the door.

"Lupin?" Draco called out from the other bed, which was next to hers and Heather raised a brow at him. "Why'd you do it? I thought you hated me."

Heather forced a smile at the blonde Slytherin. "I'm a Lupin, and a Lupin does the right thing, no matter how much hatred there is." She explained. "Also Malfoy, I never hated you, I just strongly dislike you. There's a difference you know?"

Draco flushed a pink, now feeling very uncomfortable. He seemed to be exchanging a few words with his friends and Heather saw Blaise eye her before he nodded. "Well Lupin, thank you then."

Hermione's mouth fell open and she stared at Heather, who had a smile on her face despite the pain she was in. She couldn't believe that Draco Malfoy said thank you to Heather Lupin, to a Gryffindor nevertheless! "You're welcome Malfoy!"

She was going to salute him, mockingly of course, but someone barged through the door and she heard a loud, "Heather Ophelia Lupin! Were you nuts?! Are you still nuts?! What will your dad think?! Are you okay?! You're not dead, right?!"

Heather nervously laughed. "Hey Percy, also, before this whole thing began I was thinking about—" She cleared her throat. "Harry because I think I might like him but I'm not sure because I really like George but he doesn't like me and then I heard a roar and I saw Malfoy going to get ripped in pieces so I thought I could save him but apparently not and so now I'm hurt." She nervously laughed again. "I'm already injured, so please don't kill me."

"I won't—"

"But I will." Heather's eyes went wide as they landed on her father.

"Hi dad." She nervously chuckled.

𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑 | G. WEASLEY✓Where stories live. Discover now