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. 𝚙𝚕𝚞𝚜 𝚚𝚞𝚒𝚍𝚍𝚒𝚝𝚌𝚑 𝚙𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚌𝚎

        𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐆𝐄𝐎𝐑𝐆𝐄 were lazily walking on the shores of the Black Lake, holding hands and laughing at the stupid things they would say. Heather was just telling him about how she nearly drowned in her soup as a one year old when Malfoy suddenly appeared. He had looked at George with pure disgust.

"You know you can do better than a Weasley Lupin." He had snarled and George lunged forward but Heather firmly held him back, feeling the muscles formed by playing Quidditch. "He's poor Lupin, you need someone who's rich."

"Go suck a dick Malfoy." Heather snarled at the boy, who actually laughed and clapped his arms. "And choke on the balls while you're at it, hopefully you'll die."

"Charming really, that was sweet you know?" He smirked at her and he walked forward, closer to her and George instinctively draped an arm around her waist, pulling her close. "Don't worry Weasley, I won't do anything to her while you're here."

"What do want Malfoy?" George asked, very annoyed and disgusted at the moment. But Draco's words had sunk in. Even he knew that Heather deserved someone better than him and that hurt George, will everyone else think about that when they finally tell everyone? He knew Lee and Fred won't mind, they were the ones who urged him to tell Heather about his true feelings. But what about the rest? What about his mother? His father? His brothers? Ginny? What about Professor Lupin? Will he make sure that they won't see each other ever again?

"I am here to tell Lupin here that she knows where to find me when she's finally tired of you. I normally don't take in trash, but I'd make an exception for you." He winked at Heather and it all happened so fast. Heather let go of George and her pale fist connected with Draco's nose and she heard it crack and she smiled to herself.

"Insult me or George ever again, and that will be the last thing you'll ever do! Are we clear Malfoy? Now scram!" Heather yelled at the boy, who quickly nodded as he clutched his bleeding nose and rushed away from Heather and George, who stared at his girlfriend in awe.

"That was totally badass of you love!" He beamed and Heather smiled, looking down to her bleeding knuckles. She had never punched anyone before and she had concluded that she never wants to do it because her knuckles hurt.

"I try." She shrugged, whipping her hair behind her shoulder and George kissed her forehead before he smiled at her again.

"That was so awesome, just wait until Fred hears about this! He'll be so proud! Our little Pinkberry! Our little mischief maker! Merlin, I'm so proud to call you my girlfriend! I think I—" Fred stopped to kiss her on the lips and Heather giggled when he pulled away. "That was so beautiful, I think I might be—"

"Can either of you explain what I just saw?" Both Gryffindors froze as the slowly turned to face the person who spoke, who turned out to be none other than Remus Lupin and all air got sucked out of Heather's lungs as she tried to come up with an explanation but every word she wanted to utter died on her tongue. "I understand why you punched Mr Malfoy," Remus gestured to a bleeding but smiling Draco and Heather narrowed her eyes at the blonde, gritting her teeth. "But what I don't understand is why I found your lips on my daughter's."

George swallowed hard. Fuck. What was he going to say? He wouldn't be surprised if his Boggart in the next lesson turns out to be Lupin because at the moment, he feared the scar riddled man. "We—I can explain Professor Lupin, I swear I can."

Remus looked over to his daughter, who had a worried look in her eyes and he sighed. He knew she wasn't his little princess anymore. He knew she was bound to grow one day, and leave him behind. He had met her mother in his third year as well. He sighed again.

"Detention, for punching a student." Remus said and Heather slowly smiled at her father, who gave her a small smile before he lead a fuming Draco away from the two Gryffindors.

"Oh God that was terrible." George muttered. "Your father hates me. My first girlfriend's father hates me."

Heather laughed and kissed his cheek. "Oh he won't bite." If only you knew how much he'd bite, she bitterly thought.

        "Harry! Stop showing off!" Oliver cried out the following afternoon as he hovered in front of the three goal posts. "You're not a Chaser! Lupin, George, stop staring at each other! I swear if this Bludger hits me in the face Weasley—"

"You'll play even if someone had blown your legs off and your intestines are dangling out." Alicia spoke up and everyone agreed with her, soon, everyone didn't bother to practice.

"You'd play even if the Quidditch Pitch was on fire." Fred told the Scottish wizard, who shook his head.

"You'd play even if your broom was smashed to pieces." Angelina added in and Oliver raised a brow at her.

"Hell, we all know Oliver would play Quidditch even if there were hordes of naked girls screaming his name on the stands." Heather snorted at her own comment and bumped her fist against George's and Fred's.

"Okay, nice jokes but can we get serious now? This is my last year and—"

"You'd really like to win the cup this year?" Heather asked. "Tell us again because we didn't hear you the first hundred times." Harry snorted and when Heather looked at him, he shot her a glare. "We've got this Wood, we would never let you down."

"She's right Oliver, we've got this in the bag." George agreed with his girlfriend and everyone, except Harry and Fred, raised a brow at him when he draped an arm over her shoulders. "Right, we're dating now." He announced and everyone beamed, everyone except Harry.

"So you finally told her lad?" Oliver questioned and George shrugged, while Heather blushed.

"Won't your father murder you Lupin?" Harry asked and Heather let her gaze fall on him. He looked angry and disgusted and looked like he was about to puke.

"I know how much you'd sing and dance at the mention of my death Potter, but unfortunately my dad knows about this and is actually on board with it. So sorry to spoil your plans for the biggest party ever just for my death." She sent him a smirk. "Why do you care Potter?"

The smirk caught Harry off guard and the walls be had been building crumpled over and he flushed a red before muttering a, "I—um—don't."

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