You and Me

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You and Me
And our late night talks
Not a single topic,
We left in the box
From our favourite colour
To the day's breakfast,
From the most loved series
To the most cursed person!

You and Me
And our moments shared,
Whether it be our arguments
Or the times we cared,
May it be that peaceful silence
Or your nagging voice,
Either it be instances we showed our support
Or the times we fought, creating unbearable noise!

You and Me
And the memories we created,
Every second we were together
May it be in the class we sat
Whether near or further,
Or to the school picnic we went
Or through the messages we sent
These memories we made,
Are captured in our heart
And I'll cherish them
Until the moment I fade!

From The Bottom Of My HeartWhere stories live. Discover now