See you tomorrow, Brother.

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Ink sat at his desk in the Dreadlocke Jail. His hat was pulled down low over his head and his feet were on the table. He was trying to take a nap, when all of a sudden Blue ran in.

"Ink! Dream!" He yelled.

Ink fell out of his chair, landing on the ground and groaning, while Dream came in from around the corner.

"What is it Blue?" Dream asked, chuckling at Ink's clumsiness.

"Oops, sorry Ink." 

"S'okay. I'm used to it." Ink mumbled from the floor.

"Anyways, the Bad Sanses were last seen somewhere around here!"

"Really?" Dream asked.

"Yep! We can catch 'em once and for all!"

"That's great, but can you explain this to me later when I'm not tired and in pain?" Ink said.

"Oh Ink..." Blue sighed.

"What? I gotta be awake if I'm gonna kick some baddie butt!"

"That's a good idea!" Dream exclaimed. "It'll be easier to catch them if we're well rested! I'll see you tomorrow! Don't be late again Ink!"

"Bye Dream! Bye Ink!"

"That was ONE time Dream. But bye guys!"

~One hour later~

Dream checked that no one was around, then pulled a box out from under his bed. 

He opened it up and grabbed an old photo.

"I'll see you tomorrow brother."

He put the picture and box in their places, and went to bed.

(210 Words)

Okay so maybe this is early, but I was bored and inspiration struck! I love how Ink is just so incompetent at his job. It will advance the plot! :D See ya later dudes!

~ Inky

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