Untitled Part 8

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"I'm telling Geno!" Ink yelled as he ran.

"WaIt, No! He LiVeS iN tHiS tOwN?!?!" Error screeched chasing after him.

Ink laughed, running into the woods, Error on his heels.

Ink got to Geno's house just before Error, knocking on the door.



"Woah calm down there, Ink. What about Error?"

At that moment, Error rounded the corner, tripping and landing on his face. He looked up.

"HeYyYy GeNo..... HoW'vE yOu BeEn DoInG?"

Geno sighed.
"Come inside you two. I'll get Fresh and we can have a proper reunion."

"WaIt, FrEsH?!?! nOpE nOpE nOpE, i'M oUtTa HeRe, NiCe SeEiNg YoU aGaIn."



Error and Ink walked in to Geno's house, sitting on the couch in the living room. Geno walked out to go get Fresh.

"So YoU'vE bEeN tAlKiNg To My BrOtHeR, aY sQuId?"

"Oh come on. I'm friends with him too!"

"I kNoW tHaT!!"

Ink gasped. 
"Were you jealous?!?!"

"W-wAs NoT!"

At that moment, Geno walked in, followed by Fresh and... Another kid?

"Error! My brah howzit going!"

Error facepalmed. 

"gEt AwAy FrOm Me, PaRaSiTe!"

"Ey, bro bro, that's not very radical of you to say!"

"Hey mister! I don't know who you are, but don't talk to Fresh like that!"

"GeNo, WhO's ThIs KiD."

"That's Deccy, Fresh's friend. Deccy, this is Error, Fresh's other brother."

Ink just watched this interaction giggling.

(206 Words) 
Blehhhhh... I have school starting soon so I'm not going to be on as much. I'll still post just not as often as I would like. Love ya'll, my little Squidlings! Yes, I am now calling my fans 'Squidlings.' It's cute! :D  Anyways, make sure to follow, like, and comment! :D

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