I'm telling Geno!

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The next day, the Star Sanses and the Bad Sanses met up.

"So...." Blue started.


"You know, what, screw this." Ink yelled as he walked off.

"INK!" Dream yelled.

"I'm off the clock. I'm not dealing with Glitchy again. I dealt with him enough when I was a kid." He replied, leaving to go home.

"WeLl FuCk YoU tOo, SqUiD." Error huffed.

Ink froze. "What did you just call me?"

"I cAlLeD yOu SqUiD, yA lItTlE sHiT."

"I'm telling Geno." Ink yelled as he ran, presumably to get Error's older brother.

"WaIt, No! He LiVeS iN tHiS tOwN?!?!" Error screeched chasing after him.

After that fiasco, the rest of the groups sat down in Sci's bar. Sci glared at them, but didn't say anything.

"I'm gonna See if I can Get the Nerd over There to Lift the Ban on Fighting." Fell said, walking over to the counter.

"So." Nightmare said.

"So." Dream echoed.

The twins just glared at each other.

Blue sighed, face palming. His team was useless. Ink was always running off on his own or slacking off, and Dream never communicated and was easily distracted.

"Mood." The skeleton in the hood said.

Blue looked up at him. "What?" He asked.

"Oh sorry. I'm Dust." Dust introduced himself.

"I know who you are, criminal." Blue hissed. 

"Okay, okay, jeez." Dust said putting his hands in the air.

"How are we going to deal with each other without fighting? Cause I'm pretty sure we're all too lazy to just go to another bar. And Fell over there isn't having much luck convincing the owner." Reaper asked.

Right as he finished, the Sanses turned towards Sci and Fell just in time to see Sci slap Fell, being a bushing mess.

'This'll be fun.' Blue thought.

(273 words)
My babies are getting acquainted! Next chapter, should I focus on Error and Ink or Sci and Fell? I'm thinking Error and Ink, as Sci and Fell's part could tie into another chapter. You vote though! Don't forget to like the story! It means a lot to me! :D

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