Chapter 4

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I had been arguing with my dad for the past twenty minutes, the conversation going in circles. I had gotten dressed into a pair of skinny, high waist, black jeans, a baggy, red and white crop top and a pair of red and white vans. My makeup was minimal and my short bob curled loosely. This was all before receiving the text that Damon will not be in school today due to a fever and lack of sleep.

I was nervous enough about having to show up to school with Ranger there, but now I no longer had a ride and had to show up on the motorcycle. "There is no way I'm going alone." I had been arguing this point for a long time, outright refusing to go to school.

"You're not missing a day just because you're an introvert with only one friend and a loud vehicle."

"Way to go, hit every insecurity on your way, dad." I huff, dropping onto the sofa to change from my comfortable vans into a pair of heavy, black boots as my dad drops the large leather jacket next to me.

"You don't have a choice, okay? Your grades are too good and your pride too big to be bought down by you being shy. So just go and own who you are." His advice was good, but what was happening is I was beginning to lose who I was. I was late to class yesterday and about to be late today, had two encounters with the school bad boy, injured myself twice and now had to dress differently to ride a bike I loved but had no place in my school life.

I begrudgingly make my way to the garage. As I fasten the helmet I hit the button on the wall, opening the garage door. I take a deep breath before firing the engine, the bike roaring to life. I wince slightly, only imagining how today was going to go. 

Before I knew it I was already riding to school and finding peace in the ride. The world flying by as the wind rushed around your body, feeling so light that you could take flight was a feeling that was mostly indescribable. 

The ride went by too fast and the anxiety began to creep in as I saw the school come into sight. I slowed my pace, almost rolling into the school parking lot. I ride around slowly, trying my best to ignore the stares as I found a bike space at the school building entrance. Turning the engine off, I sit and take a deep breath. There are students all around, staring. I could hear the whispers. Who is she? Is she new? Nice bike.

Who other would be stood in this area other than Ranger and his friends. My heart races faster, begging for the stares to stop, for Ranger to disappear, for Damon to pop out at any point and offer my support and shielding. My eyes were closed as I tried to catch my breath when a hand grabbed my handlebars. My eyes shot open, hoping to see Damon's wonderful face, yet there stood Ranger with a wide, menacing grin on his face.

"Alessandra, right?" Behind my helmet I found the courage to roll my eyes at his remark. There wasn't any hiding it now and so I slowly removed my helmet, our eyes finally meeting. There was a glimmer of mischief and something else sparkling in his eyes as he looked me up and down.

Anger took control and I snapped my fingers in front of his face. "Just because this is mine, and this is new to you, does not mean you can stand and ogle." I felt my heart rate rise as I realised the reality of my words. Those around were silent, including Ranger's friends. I scramble to collect my things and all but run away from the situation. My shoulder bumped Ranger on the way past but I was too scared to stop.

What had gone through my mind? What happened? I hoped I was channelling my inner Damon as he was not here to help me. I rush to my locker, ripping the leather coat off and ramming it inside the small compartment. I had began sweating profusely. I tied my hair back, leaving some strands to cover my face partially.

The chattering in the hallways began to get quieter closer to me. I glance around my locker door and see Ranger striding up the hallway, eyes locked on where I was. I gulp harshly, scrambling to collect my things from my locker, praying I would not have to confront him again. I shove my phone in my back pocket, swing my backpack over my shoulder and hug my books to my chest which was rising and falling rapidly.

As I step back to close my locker door a hand sweeps in before mine and slams it shut, causing me to stumble backwards slightly. As quickly as my locker was closed was I being swept out of the hallway and into one of the empty classrooms. The door slammed behind us and I found myself stood alone, Ranger's large frame blocking the only exit.

Anger and a sparkle resonated through his eyes and demeanour, sending a shiver of fear through my spine. When he spoke his words were deliberate and his voice low and raspy. "And who do you think you are?" He took a step towards me. "Was it not you profusely apologising to me yesterday?" I step back in response, my fists balling. "Or is this actually you?"

I had no idea who I was. It had only been a day and I was so confused over who I had become since our encounter yesterday. I had no other friends, only Damon who wasn't here today. I had no one to come looking for me if something went wrong here. "I-I..." I stammered, searching for words.

"You what, Alessandra?" His words snarled as he continued taking slow steps towards me, forcing me back until I hit a desk, trapping me between it and Ranger.

"I don't know, but I don't want this." My words were deliberate but my voice betrayed me. The fear ran clear as he closed the inches between us. Ranger's hands rested on the desk on either side of me, closing off any chance of escape. "I don't want anything to do with you."

"Yet here we are." Malice leaked through his words. I felt threatened, but not in danger. "I don't want the attitude you gave me. I must say I'm impressed, but it stands that it was in front of a lot of other students."

My heart pounded a million miles an hour, but the more he spoke the more my fear drifted into anger. My jaw clenched and my hands balled tighter into fists. Ranger noticed this, a grin dawning his face. "What are you going to do?" He pressed, egging me on. I felt a fire light within me, but I tried to contain it. "Come on, Alessandra." His persistence in firing me up worked. I reach out to push him with all my might.

As fast as I reacted, he was quicker. My wrists were held in Ranger's large hands, his muscles clearly showing underneath his black t-shirt. Despite this, the anger continued to rage inside me. "Let go of me." My words were more determined, less shaky and less fearful. I tear my hands from his, quickly shoving my shoulder into his chest and catching him off guard. "I want nothing to do with you."

I regain my composure, standing straight and triumphant as he quickly regain his own balance. The smirk on his lips was spread wide, a hint of amusement in his eyes. I begin to stride towards the door, desperate to leave the room, determined to not be alone with him again.

"Well that's unfortunate, because I like this new you."

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