Chapter 16

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I pretty much avoided Ranger all day, ignoring him and his brooding stare from across any room that were both in. I found Flynn at his locker and apologised profusely, never wanting anything like that to hurt him. I never wanted to intentionally hurt him or to flaunt anything like that in front of him. He simply smiled sadly at me, and accepted my apology with a gentle hug, hanging with me for most of the day and working on becoming friends again.

We split ways at the end of the day, him leaving earlier than I as he had a free period at the end of the day, while I had maths. I stayed a while longer after school, sorting through the junk that had began to pile into my locker. I threw away the trash and grabbed a couple of things, like sunglasses and hats, shoving them into my bag to take home with me.

I leave the now vacant school, heading towards my motorcycle to head home. I stand next to it, making sure that all the pockets on my backpack were secure before I began to ride off. When satisfied I began to swing it over my left shoulder, but it fell to the ground before I could catch it, my hands also being pinned against my waist.

I begin to fight, and hard, flailing my arms as much as possible and beginning to rip my body forward, desperate to escape the grip. I feel it falter, my arms loosening and I throw my arm backwards, my elbow harshly colliding with the stomach of my kidnapper. I hear a groan and I'm fully free, turning around and swinging a punch straight at his face.

He falls to the ground with a loud thud and a large huff escaping from their mouth. Their hands reached up to their face, holding his nose as blood began to pour from it. "What the fuck, Tyson," I exclaim, slamming my foot into his side with my large, heavy, leather boots. He groans again, curling up to protect his face and head from my blows. "What the fuck do you think you're doing?" I shout, waiting for an answer.

I heard heavy thuds coming our way and steady myself, ready to fight the next person who may be coming for me. "What the fuck, Ally!" It was Ranger, and he stared at me in disbelief, anger coating his words, a tinge of something else floating there.

"Me?" I exclaim incredulously, my eyes widening. "He tried to grab me!"

Ranger huffs, rubbing his temples before dragging his battered friend off the ground. "I know," he grumbles. "Leave, get to a hospital or something." Tyson obeys Ranger, limping away and driving from the school.

"You know?" I growl, stepping closer to him, ready to hit him too. "Also, my name isn't fucking Ally."

He rolls his eyes, a smirk on his lips. "You won't land anything," he shrugs, watching me with interest glinting in his eyes.

I growl lowly, taking the challenge. I swing for his face, he dodges. I throw a punch at his side, but he pushes my hand away effortlessly. I watch for a moment. He shrugs again, an awfully smug smirk on his lips. A light bulb goes off in my head, and I bounce forwards and crash my lips against his. Almost immediately he responds, effortlessly moving his lips against mine, stepping closer to me with no hesitation. I smirk against his lips, pulling away and swinging my arm up. The noise my hand made as it made contact with his cheek was glorious, and the slap echoed around us.

He stares at me, wide eyed and jaw dropped as I step back, my smirk growing wider. "What was that you said?" I ask, my tone chirpy and tormenting. He rubs his cheek gently, a frown growing on his lips and his emerald eyes turning into a dark, mossy colour. I shiver. I had never seen that look in his eyes before.

"Lets go," he growls, grabbing my by my hips and hoisting me over his shoulder. My hands pound furiously against his back and I shout, demanding he let me go, but he remained unfazed and walked over to his truck. He had arrived at school on his motorcycle, so I assumed his absence after lunch was him switching vehicles.

He tosses me into the back seat, slamming the door once I'm in and quickly climbing into the drivers seat, throwing the car into gear and driving away, his tires squealing on the concrete. I get tossed from side to side as Ranger drives, the car swinging around corners and swerving around other cars erratically. I hear the honks and shouting from other drivers as he does so, but he does not respond.

I glance at him in the rear-view mirror and decide to stay quiet based on his cold eyes and tightly clenched jaw. I steady myself and sit up, pulling a seat belt around me. I look out of the front window and see the road were on and the direction were heading and already know where he's taking me.

It was only another ten minutes before the car screeched to a halt, throwing me forwards and backwards again. Ranger gets out, slamming his door before opening the back, waiting for me to climb out. I oblige, but I'm hyper-aware of what's happening. I keep my guard up and follow Ranger into the forest, hearing the stream grow ever closer the further in we go. I check my phone and see no signal, great.

I see the river and sigh, following Ranger over to the large rock we sat on last time, sitting at the furthers edge away from him as possible this time. "You can't ignore me and gallivant off with others," he grumbles, his voice barely audible over the river and his eyes glued to the ground, the coldness and hardness still visible in his features.

I chuckle, disbelief clearly evident. "You ignore me all week and decide you want to hurt the people I'm close with," I respond, my voice louder and more convicting. His eyes snap up, looking at me with a solid stare. I shiver, my hair standing on end at the anger in his eyes. "You cannot blame me for this."

"You said you didn't know what you felt Saturday, then decided to go off with Flynn Monday," he growls, followed by a deep breath through seething teeth.

"I can't be the only person to make a decision and an effort," I retort, raising my eyebrows pointedly to him.

He snickers, moving closer to me. I stiffen, unsure of what was happening or what could happen. "I made it pretty clear today," he says, his voice gruff but louder now. His eyes are attached to mine, and I have no strength to pull away.

"You can't just kidnap people," I state. "It isn't very wooing." He laughs, this time amusement sounding from his chest, and his tone lighter.

"You're mine," he says, not asking but telling me. I furrow my eyebrows, beginning to shake my had and he responds by nodding his head yes. "I've made my decision, and if you go skipping off with another man again I'll kill him."

I hear the seriousness in his voice, knowing he wasn't kidding when he said he'd do something. I didn't believe he was capable of killing, but I knew he was capable of hurting someone. "This is now the opposite. I have to have a decision too."

He shakes his head 'no' again, standing up and swiftly moving in front of my, hand at my sides and trapping me against the large rock. He leans in close, his warm breath fanning against my cold skin, the sun setting and a gentle breeze flowing though the trees. My nose fills with mint, the usual spice of his cologne replaced by lavender. "You're mine now," he growls lowly, the rasp in his voice sexy but possessive.

I gulp, my anger and strength diminishing quickly. I feel a warmth inside of me, my stomach fluttering. I knew it was wrong, I knew it was controlling, but I longed to be inside his touch again, holding me safe and close, keeping the demons at bay just as he did Saturday. His eyes are hard, but gentleness hide behind his mischievous glint. I nod, chewing my lower lip.

He pulls my lip from my teeth with his thumb. "What have I told you about that," Ranger hums, his eyes flickering between my eyes and lips. "Only I get to make it swell," he growls before crashing his lips against mine. I squeak in shock, but in an instant I feel myself relax and push forward, moving my lips rhythmically against his.

Ranger pressed against me harder, and I drop and arm to stop myself from falling completely back onto the rock. He growls, sucking and nipping my lower lip and I give in, laying back in submission. He smirks, one hand moving to hold my waist underneath my shirt, his hand warm and electrifying. He was intoxicating. A bad boy that I knew was bad for me, but I knew we were good for each other, some how. I didn't know what we needed, and why we would be the ones to give it to each other, but I knew it was me he needed, and him I.

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