Chapter 3

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"So you just expect me to believe that you did this to yourself?" Damon had been interrogating me about the cut on my head for the whole 30 minute drive to my dads garage, where we sit in the car for further interrogation.

"I told you! He scared me and I hit my head on the locker!" I didn't know why I was defending him, but it didn't feel right to blame someone for something that wasn't entirely their fault, even if it was Ranger.

"Ok, but I still don't believe you! The way he looked at you at lunch, and-"

I groan loudly, throwing my hands in the air. Cutting him off, I state, "yes, but you also caused the bump on the back of my head from the same instance only 45 minutes before this!" Damon went quite, looking down at his lap. I sigh, not wanting to have upset him. "Listen, I didn't want to upset you, but it was pretty much the same thing."

"I just don't understand why you're defending him so strongly." He was right. I had no need to defend him, especially not with the way he treated other people.

"I'm not like him. I'm not just going to lie. It was an accident, and that's the end of it."

"What was an accident?" I heard my dad's voice through the open window next to Damon. I look up and see his worn blue eyes and crows feet fall from a smile to a concerned face. "Do I have to hurt someone?" His voice turned gentle with a hint of anger, but he was as passive as I was most of the time.

He walked around to my side, opening the passenger door and inspecting the cut. "It's alright, it was an accident. I hit my head on my locker door." I roll my eyes as he continues to inspect my face, smearing thin layers of car oil on my cheeks. I pull away, the smell making me dizzy. "I'm find, but please get those greasy hands away from me." My dad chuckles a little, dropping his hands. His eyes softened again, showing the years of work on his brown face. He had light blue eyes, worn but happy from life and wrinkles all over his face from working in the sun. Yet, despite his rough appearance he was nothing but a ray of sunshine with sweet smile lines showing the decades of happiness he had experienced.

"See you tomorrow son," he says as I climb out of Damon's car. I smile gently at him, waving goodbye and mumbling a farewell. "Alright then, lets go see what I've done." I perk up, a smile gracing my face as I realise my dad had been working on my car to fix it. I skip next to him, walking into the workshop. It was now nearly six in the afternoon and we were the last people here.

My smile drops as I look at my car, all four tires laying on the ground and most of the engine dismantled. "My baby," I whine, walking over sadly and laying my arm on the open window. I pout up to my dad, silently asking what went wrong.

"I'm sorry angel but she was too far gone. There was more to fix than the car was worth." I huff like a five year old who had been told that they couldn't have a puppy. "I have something for you though." My dad's words peaked interest, and I watched as he ran into the other room. Suddenly the walls were shaking from the roar of an engine, my ears beginning to buzz as the sound got louder. My dad rode into the main workshop on a motorcycle.

My eyes grew wide, a large smile engulfing my face. I run over to the bike, jumping in place as I wait for my dad to get off so that I can hop on. "There's no way this is mine?" I squeal loudly, simply sitting and appreciating the beast beneath me.

"She's all yours. She's a little old, but with the work I did today she should run like new." I was in complete awe. The chrome was new, the seat refurbished and the pedals moved smoothly. "I hope you like her."

"Like? I love it!" I scream, jumping off the bike to envelope my dad in a hug. "Oh, she's perfect." I turn the engine off and plop onto the ground next to the bike, simply staring at it in love. My dad joins me, admiring his own handy work. "But what am I supposed to take to school now?" I tilt my head as I asked the question.

My dad chuckles, looking down at me in amusement. "I thought you'd be happy to take such a beauty to school?" His words make my heart stop.

"Oh no, there's no way I'm taking this. This is not school appropriate and I do not want any attention from anyone thank you!" I throw my arms down dramatically, acting as if it were the end of the world.

"Hush now, this is yours and you're only ride from now on. I cannot afford another car and this and yours is broken." His words still flickered with amusement but there was a hint of sternness in them. "Take her out for a ride. Bond with her then come and complain later if it's really that bad." Before I had the chance to protest he was on his feet and had began clearing the shop for closing.

I hop to my feet, grabbing the helmet hanging off of the handlebars and slipping it on. The bike roared to life with one turn of the key and soon I was off. I was not sure of where I was heading but I just allowed myself to revel in my time alone. The wind flickered the small amount of hair that was peaking out of my helmet as the sky became dark. It had been years since I had ridden on a motorbike, and more so since I had felt relaxation and freedom.

As I made it home the stars were shining bright in the sky. My dad had gone out for a few drinks with his workmates at a local bar, and so there was a pizza waiting on the kitchen counter for me as I walked into the house. On top of the pizza was a post-it note saying that I still had no other choice and that the bike was my only form of private transport from now on. With a heavy sigh I drop my bag and helmet on the counter, grab the pizza and head to bed for a new and strange day at school tomorrow.

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