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     When Ahsoka made it to the stairs again Ventress was already waiting for her. 

 " Took you long enough. For a moment I thought that you ditched."

" I did my part, now you better hold up yours." Ahsoka sneered.

Ventress let out a slight chuckle. " The job's not done yet. I wanted to give you the honor of blowing up your precious temple." Ventress threw the control stick to her.

" What? No! The deal was that I would help you, but i'm not the one who is going to actually blow it up!" Ahsoka shouted. 

Ventress glared at her. " The rules have changed, now do as I say or else!" She brought her crimson blade to Ahsoka's neck. " And after you, I'll kill Skywalker, Obi Wan, that senator-" 

" Okay, okay, I get the point." Ahsoka cut her off.

" Then what are you waiting for." Ventress impatiently asked.

With shaking hands she brought the switch to eye level.

I'm sorry Master, please forgive me. Ahsoka closed her eyes and  pressed the button. 

     Mace Windu swiftly walked back to the council room. When he entered most of the seats were full. " Masters, has Skywalker and his team come back from the lower levels yet?"

" No, I don't believe they have." Obi Wan said looking confused by his question. " Why do you ask?"

" When I went into the briefing room I felt another presence, at first I thought it was nothing, but then I realized there was someone else in the room. The door opened and I saw to who I believe was Skywalker's padawan, Ahsoka Tano rushing out." he concluded.

The council members all looked at each other not knowing what to say.

" Could it have been a youngling who got lost in temple?" Kit asked.

" No, I don't think so, there aren't many Togruta younglings, Tano is the only one who is a Padawan at this time." Shaak responded.

" We don't know for sure if who you saw was indeed Lil' Soka, we should contact Skywalker to clear everything up." Plo suggested

" I agree with Master Plo, if anything we should reach out to Anakin before jumping to conclusions."  Obi Wan added.

Yoda sat up in his chair. " Then settled it is, contact young Skywalker we will." 

" Yes Master." Mace bowed and went to his seat. Obi Wan started to contact Anakin but a sudden shaking of the room stopped him. The ground was rumbling  and the light flickered on and off. The ceiling started to crumble.

" Whats happening!?" Obi Wan shouted.

" Everyone, GET OUT!" Plo used the force to open the door. The council members evacuated outside helping anyone they saw on the way. There was a crowd of younglings, Masters and temple workers all gathered on the steps. Smoke spilled from inside the temple and another part that hadn't been confirmed. Clones were sent in to help anyone injured and to pinpoint where the explosion came from.

" Cody? Cody do you read?" Obi Wan said into his comm.

" Loud and clear General." Cody responded.

" Cody, where did these explosions come from?"

" It seem that the epicenter of these explosions came from the briefing room and the main hanger Sir"

" Alright, thank you, continue your sweep."

" Yes sir."

Obi Wan stroked his beard, who could have bombed the temple? Surely not a Jedi, but who else could get in. A Sith?  He thought. 

" Obi Wan, we got the security footage moments prior to the bombing." Mace informed.

He held up a hologram and was horrified by what he saw.

Sure enough running out of the briefing room was Ahsoka. He watched as she ran through the halls and jumped to a vent. 

" It appears I was right. Tano was here and from the looks of it, she bombed the temple." Mace confirmed.

Obi Wan shook his head. " I don't believe she is capable of doing such things. We can't jump to accusations before we know the whole story, what about the hanger?"

Mace changed the hologram to the hanger's footage. 

" Ventress? Maybe she forced Ahsoka into doing this." Obi Wan felt a little relieved.

" Maybe, or Tano willingly partnered with her." Obi Wan glared at him. 

" Whatever is happening, I don't think that Ahsoka did this out of free will." 

" I suggest we have a team go and search for Skywalker, Senator Amidala and Captain Rex, Tano is here alone with Ventress then she might have done something to the others." 

" Very well, I'll gather some members of the 501st to search for them, then we'll deal with Ahsoka and Ventress."   

" May the Force be with you in these times." Mace told him. Obi Wan nodded and rushed off.

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