Safe For Now

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     Ahsoka's vision started to to clear. " What, where am I." she mumbled groggily sitting up.

" Anakin, come quick! She's waking up." Padme called from the bedroom.

Padme rubbed her back as she sat up, "Ahsoka, are you okay." she asked.

" Padme? What are you doing here. How did you get into my cell?" Ahsoka blinked away the fuzziness.

" Hey Snips, how are you?" Anakin chuckled at his Padawan's confusion.

" Master? Did you get arrested too?" 

" Snips, you're not in prison. In fact you're not even on Coruscant." 

" What? How?" 

" Well you see that's kinda a long story." Anakin said nervously.

" Master..what did you do." Ahsoka eyed him.

" Well...That can wait. Right now there's some people who want to see you."

Anakin walked over to the door. When he opened it five clones burst into the room.

" Oh you're finally up." Jesse said in a half soldier half goofy way.

" I hope I didn't stun you too bad." Fives apologized feeling bad.

Rex elbowed him in the side and Echo kicked him in the shin.

" Good going Fives." Kix muttered.

Ahsoka stared at them strangely but then it hit her.

" Wait, I remember now. I was about to turn myself in then... you stunned me!?" Ahsoka shouted pointing at Anakin.

" Well technically I didn't." Anakin held his hands up defensively.

" Master! You do realize that you're harboring a criminal, right?" 

" Oh please Snips, they're not gonna find you here. We're on Naboo." Anakin pulled back the curtain and opened the window so she could see the vast mountains that reflection's rippled in the cool teal waters surrounding them. 

" Whoa." Ahsoka gasped at the beauty of the landscape.

" Wonderful, isn't it." Padme commented.

Ahsoka nodded, still in a trance at how peaceful everything was. There was no war, no violence, no droids, no disturbance, just..peace.

" So this is where you grew up?"  

" I spent my life in many places, but this by far was my favorite." Padme smiled at all the memories she made at the lake house.

" Ahsoka, since you can't go back to the temple, you can stay here if you like. The council and police are probably already onto us, so we're in the same boat as you."

Ahsoka was shocked at Padme's offer. " As great as that sounds, I can't let you give up everything just for me. What about the Senate, and Master what about becoming a Jedi Master?" Ahsoka turned to her clone friends. " And you guys, what about the Republic, your brothers. I can't do that you."

" With all due respect Commander, this isn't really up for discussion." Rex said.

" Rex is right Ahsoka. We all can't go back, so we might as well live the rest of our lives here. Come on Snips, it's not all bad."

Ahsoka couldn't argue with that. For once she could live out the remaining part of her teen years like a normal teenager.

Padme could tell that Ahsoka was going through a lot of emotions. 

" We'll give you some time to think about it. Get some rest dear" Padme shooed everyone out of the bedroom.

" This is a lot better than a prison cell!" Anakin said before getting shoved out.

" Anakin!" Padme rolled her eyes, shutting the door, leaving Ahsoka to think about what she wanted to do.

 Ahsoka felt that she deserved to go jail or worse for what she did, but on the other hand, her friends had gone through so much, risking everything to bring her back with them.

Ahsoka laid back down on the bed letting the calming sounds of the breeze coo her to sleep.

" Chancellor Palpatine."

" What is it." Palpatine growled

" We placed the tracker on the ship like you asked. It appears that they landed on Naboo. Would you like me to send a squad?"

Palpatine shook his head. " No, let them think they have escaped."

The Sith could sense his companion's confusion. 

" Don't worry. The time is coming soon. I will have my empire, whether Skywalker is with me or not. Although he just left himself in a vulnerable position." Palpatine evilly grinned. 

" Patience."

I hope you liked the story!😊 It was so much fun to write. I want to thank everyone for all the reads, votes and comments. I felt that I needed to end the story on a happy/ suspenseful note also school starts tomorrow for me and I didn't want to forget about the story. I PROMISE I will make a sequel later on( probably in a few weeks 😂) but for now that's it for the story. Again thank you so much for making this a great experience.



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