For Family

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     Ahsoka laid wide awake in her bed.

What just happened? She thought. 

Everything was going so good. She had everything she could ever ask for and now someone was trying to take it all away again.

I have to do it. I have to turn myself in. This.. Darth Sidious knows where we are. What will Anakin do? Should I tell him. What about Padme and the Clones. How do I know that he won't kill them anyways? Iv'e been tricked before into doing something I regret, who's to say its not another trick. What do I do?

Ahsoka's mind stressed. 

" Who is Darth Sidious?" She whispered to herself.

The sky outside was growing darker by the hours. It was probably some time around nineteen hundred hours. Ahsoka didn't bother to try and sleep again. 

48 hours. She had to decide tonight. 

Ahsoka heard a knock on her door.

" Ahsoka, dinner's ready! Are you up?" Padme sweetly asked.

" Yeah, i'm coming. I'll be right out!" Ahsoka stalled.

She heard Padme walk away. 

Ahsoka started pacing around her room. " I know what I have to do." she convinced herself.

Ahsoka took deep breaths to calm down. She made sure that her mental shields were masking any sign of worry. If Anakin found out, he would question her until she told him.

Ahsoka skeptically opened the door and walked into the kitchen. She plastered fake smile on her face and sat down at the table.

" How'd you sleep Snips?" 

" Fine ." was all she said. She never actually slept. She was too scared to after the call.

Anakin tried to look into her mind. Ahsoka was never this quiet. 

Why are her mental shields so tense?

" Ahsoka, are you okay?" 

" Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" Ahsoka gave him a smirk realizing that she needed to up her act.

" You just seem nervous or something." 

Ahsoka opened her mouth to tell him it was nothing, but the clones came in.

" What ever we're having smells really good." Echo complimented.

The clones all settled down at the table.

Padme brought pasta, salad and bread to the table.

" It looks amazing angel." Anakin praised.

Once Padme sat down everyone started eating. Except Ahsoka.

Rex noticed that she was looking pale.

" Commander aren't you hungry?" 

Ahsoka froze for second, trying to come up with an excuse.

" Iv'e been feeling kinda sick." she made up.

" Is that why you were nervous? Why didn't you tell me. Do you have a fever? Do you feel dizzy?"  Aankin questioned.

" Because I knew you would overreact." Ahsoka rolled her eyes in an attempt to joke. " I'm fine, just a little under the weather is all." 

" Are you sure?" 

" I'm sure Master." 

Anakin relaxed a bit.

" If you want there's some medicine in the bathroom Ahsoka." Padme said looking at the Togruta.

" Its okay, really, but thank you." Ahsoka lied.

The rest of dinner Ahsoka sat in an awkward silence. She excused herself from the table and went back to her room. She took out a piece of paper and started to write. She wrote everything that she needed to tell everyone.

Ahsoka folded the paper and placed it on her bed. There was one last thing she needed to do.

It was now dark. 

The crickets were chirping away. It was warm but yet there was a cool breeze making the temperature perfect. The lights from the lake house reflected off the dark clear water.

Ahsoka found Anakin sitting on the back porch messing with broken parts.

" Hey Master."

" Hey Snips, are you feeling better?"

" A little I suppose. What are you up to?" 

" I'm improving this droid." Anakin said focusing on the droid parts. " Do you need something." 

Ahsoka shook her head.

" Thank you Master."

Anakin stopped what he was doing to looked up at his apprentice.

He laughed a little. " I didn't do anything Snips."

" Yes you did. You came looking for me when I thought all hope was gone. You kept me as your Padawan even though you didn't ask for one.  I guess what i'm trying to say is thank you for always being there for me."

Anakin was surprised by his Padawan's sudden outburst. He could feel that something was wrong.

I'll ask her tomorrow.

" Ahsoka, I should really be the one thanking you. You are the reason i'm not dead. You always have my back. You brought a lot of joy into my life. You've grown as well. Not just physically, but your skills and your ability to use the force. I could never be more proud to call you my student." 

Anakin opened his arms and brought his Snips in for a hug.

Ahsoka closed her eyes to remember this moment. She didn't know what was going to happen to her in the next few days, but if she were to die, she wanted her last few happy memories to be with her Master, her brother.

Anakin released her from the hug and put an arm around her.

" Go get some rest Snips, it's getting late." 

Ahsoka gave him a small smile.

" Bye Master." were the last words she said to him.

Ahsoka sat on the window sill and gazed at the lake one more time. Her room was dark only being lit by a single candle. 

" I'll miss you all." she said to no one.

Ahsoka quietly opened the window and leapt onto the grass and headed to one of the smaller ship, not looking back, for fear that she would never be able to leave them again if she did.

Here's another update. Hope ya'll like it!


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