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one month later

Avani POV

She watched Tae move around the kitchen, chopping and stirring things. The house smelled almost as good as he looked at that moment. She'd realized, living with him over the last month that cooking was something he genuinely enjoyed doing and was amazing at. 

"Baby it smells so good in here," I moaned inhaling deeply. He chuckled, "Thank you, love, it's almost done," He said lifting a lid stirring whatever was in the pot.

Avani watched as he finished cooking, something she had learned that he preferred to do on his own, "Food should be done in about 5 minutes," He said focusing on what he was doing. She went ahead and set the table for them. They tried to eat at the table as much as possible. 

After the food was plated and they said a quick prayer, they had started eating and the food was tasted even better than it smelled. "So baby there is something I wanted to run past you that I've been thinking about lately." She said taking a sip of her wine. He nodded at her to continue.

"I was thinking of switching my major to education," She said biting her lip nervously, he was the first person she was talking to about this. 

"I think that's a great idea baby, you love kids I could easily see you making an amazing teacher," he held her hand across the table "I'ma support everything you do baby,"  She released a breath she didn't know she was holding and smiled. His opinion meant a lot to her and vice versa. 

"I'm gonna start looking into it a little Monday, I'm actually very excited about this." She returned his smile. They continued talking as they finished dinner. She cleaned, since he cooked. Avani finished loading the dishwasher before wiping everything down one more time. 

After making sure everything was clean and back in its place, she joined Tae on the couch pulling her phone out to scroll through her social media while he watched TV. He pulled her feet in his lap rubbing them softly, she moaned when he added slight pressure. He kept the massage going for another few minutes before shifting them so he was laying between her legs, head on her stomach.

She continued scrolling on her phone moving one of her hands to rub the back of his neck. They laid like that for a few more minutes before he took her phone out her hand and started scrolling like it was his. She raised an eyebrow, "Excuse the fuck outta me, I didn't know you paid this phone bill," rolling her eyes as she took it back out his hand. 

 His laugh was interuppted by a knock on the door, they both looked at each other eye brows furrowed, neither expecting company. She watched as Tae grabbed his gun off the coffee table and walked down the hallway to the door. 

Tae walked back into the room with Maya and Naomi following behind him, he walked over to Avani, "I'm finna go play the game baby," He kissed her "ladies," he gave her sisters a side hug before heading upstairs to their room. 

"Well hello bitch, thought you had died the way you disappeared." Naomi said crossing her arms as she sat down. Avani pouted, "I'm sorry y'all, I didn't mean to disappear like that" She stuck her bottom lip out moving to sit in between her sisters. 

Maya studied her face before pouting, "Awww, sissy you look so happy," Avani couldnt help but smile. 

"I can honestly say I have never ever been this happy you guys, he so.." she smiled looking down at her hands, "I can't even put it into words, he gives me this feeling every time I see or hear him," She released a breath before smiling even bigger. 

"He is everything I have ever wanted, and everything I never knew I needed." Her sisters pouted, and laid there heads on her shoulders. 

"I'm so happy for you NiNi," Naomi told her grabbing one of her hands. They caught up everything they'd missed with each other over the last couple of weeks, and made plans to hand out again very soon. 

It was almost midnight by the time Avani walked into her bedroom, Tae sleep in the bed with his controller still in his hand. Avani chuckled to herself before getting ready to hop in the shower. After showering and finishing her hygeine routine. She turned everything off and put his controller up before climbing in bed next to him. 

He reached out for her, so she moved closer and let him wrap his arms around her pulling her flush against his chest. She fell asleep with the smile still on her face. 


Soooo listen, I know this is short but if im being honest I have huggeee writers block with this story. So let me know what yall wanna see from this book give me some ideas or something. 

Also I have no idea what I set his house up to look like because I hate reading my own work so I cant go back and re-read. so if yall confused about the layout I apoligize lmao. 

Do yall like Avani? Yall like Tae? 

Anywhooo like, comment and all of that good stuff. Untill next time, which I swear wont be another 5 months. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2020 ⏰

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