Chapter 4:Bang!

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I was hurrying to get ready for the show, while Ignazio and Piero were already with the makeup artists.

"Gianluca hurry up! We are going on in five minutes!" Piero called over to me. I ran over to them and sat down so the makeup artists could finish prepping me for the show. I was still fumbling with my bow tie though. No matter how many times I put one on, I could never get a hang of the infernal thing.

"Damn it." I grumbled as I tugged at the end of the black bow tie.

"Having trouble with your bow tie again, Gian?" Piero said sympathetic.

"Yeah, I've come to the conclusion that bow ties hate me. I think I'll just stick with ties." I said giving up. Piero motioned for one of the makeup artists to fix my tie. A blonde girl was fixing my tie while I sat there looking at all the crew and camera people running around backstage. I watched the stylists taking a break, and Ignazio and Piero going over some song lyrics. Everyday was like this, when we toured or did performances. Full of anxiety and people running back and forth making sure everything is ready to go for the show. Then Piero, Ignazio and I drilling song lyrics into our heads and rehearsing over and over to make sure everything is absolutely perfect. It was always so stressful and I had gotten tired of the whole thing honestly. I wanted to get away from it all, the fame, the stress, and all the exhausting rehearsals. I couldn't help but feel bad though. I was being selfish thinking about things like that, especially in a middle of a tour. It wasn't the fans fault that I was feeling this way. I just wished that something different would happen, a change of scenery maybe but away from all the chaos.

"Gian, you ok? You look weird." Ignazio said shaking me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah, just thinking I guess." I said solemnly.

"About what? You've been acting weird these couple of days."

"I know. I've just been thinking about all that we do. I'm just tired of it all you know?"

"You don't want to sing anymore?"

"No. I'm not saying that. I just want to take a break, you know? From all of this." I said motioning towards all the camera men and chaos. He just nodded and sighed.

"I understand. After awhile it kind of overwhelms you, but you have to remember who we are doing it for. For our fans and to make our families proud." Ignazio said intelligently.

"I know you're right Ignazio, but I just want a change. To do something else for awhile. Like maybe try to get into acting, I've always wanted to be in a movie. Maybe even get a girlfriend."

"That's true, and you should do it but after the tour's over. We'll have time off, from all the stress and noise and you will feel better afterwards. Trust me Gianluca." He said patting my shoulder. I sighed and nodded. He was right why should I worry about KT right now, I should just focus on the music and the fans until after the tour's over.

"Ok Ignazio. Thanks for always knowing what to say."

"Aw, well you know its a curse." Ignazio said beaming. I grinned at him.

Then Piero ran over to us agitated.

"Guys! What are you still doing here? The shows going to start right now." He said urgently. Me and Ignazio shot a quick glance to each other and got up and quickly followed Piero onto the stage. We were greeted warmly by the audience as we walked onto the stage. The band then began to play "Il Mondo", I grabbed my microphone ready to sing my part. I looked up to the box seats and I saw something strange. It looked like someone was leaning against the balcony pressing his hands to his ears as if he was trying to shut something out. At first I thought he was trying not to listen to the music, but then I saw he was talking to someone. At that moment the stereo started to fizz out and started to spark electricity. Piero looked over to the technician guy about what was going on, and then one of the spotlights above us exploded showering broken glass and sparks all over us. The crowd began to scream and yell out frightened. I shook of the glass and looked back up to the guy in the box seat, and saw something frightening. Right next to him was something with a long snout and long pointy ears. It was ugly looking and monstrous. It looked like a cross between a anteater and a dog of some sort. He had a body of human and was wearing a white and golden toga around his waist, and held a long menacing sharpened staff. He looked like he was whispering things into the guys ear. The guy looked like he was upset, and then suddenly the guy pulls out a gun. My eyes grew wide as I see he's aiming it right towards the stage, I turn and see Piero trying to help Ignazio up. He's going to try to kill Piero! Without a second thought I ran towards Piero and Ignazio and push them to the ground. As we fell I heard a loud bang. When the gunshot sounded the crowd began to scream and scatter away. Barbra then ran over to us. Her hands were trembling as she got us up to our feet.

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