Part 5

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**The following Part is based off of imagination, not reality. I've never been to a Mindless Behavior concert, nor have I ever met them (even though I'd do almost anything to see them in person). Please bare with me and my nonexistent imagination. :D**

The knob turned, and in walked DJ Soundwave. It seemed like everyone let out a sigh of disappointment. I kept my posture though. I didn't want to seem too excited, but I wanted to look happy to be there because I was. No, I just felt so satisfied to be there and nothing could bring me down, but the fact that Mindless Behavior weren't going to be there and that certainly hadn't happened. So, right then, I was on top of the world. I took my seat beside Vanessa after getting tired of standing. The DJ walked to the middle of the room. Everyone turned their attention towards him, including me and Vanessa. "Excuse me, can I have every body's attention?" he spoke. It was almost unnecessary, considering how the talking was quieting down when he walked in, but now it had completely ceased. "I just wanna tell you, ladies, congratulations for having the most creative pictures. Even, I have to say that you are all very mindless," he started speaking. You could tell that he'd gone over it a couple times on what he was gonna say, but none the less, we listened. "So, are you ladies ready for MB?" he looked around, asking the most obvious question in the world.

We all said a very lazy, "Yeeeesss." I almost laughed considering how 'excited' all the girls were supposed to be.

DJ Soundwave decided to tease us about it. "Naw, naw. Y'all don't wanna see them," he shook his head. All of the girls, including me, groaned in a sad manner. "I said, 'Are you, ladies ready for MB?'"

This time, there was a more enthusiastic response as all of us girls screamed, "YEEEEEESS!!" I started laughing, with some of the other girls, at how silly we were over those boys.

"Oh, that's what I thought," he continued. "Well, listen, they'll be here in a little, just hang tight. But when they come in, don't go too wild over them. And please, ladies, don't try to hurt them. They're people too." I nodded and smiled. I knew exactly what he'd meant. I'd remember watching videos of Mindless Behavior in interviews where they'd talk about crazy fanattacks. (fanattack- being mobbed and harmed, embarrassed, or terrified by fans) I'm glad that he addressed this, because sometimes, the fans take it to another level and act like wild animals. There's a difference in between getting excited and getting psycho. "Y'all just keep yourselves together. And get some pictures, and have some fun. They'll be here in a little while," and with that, he walked out, leaving us in silence. A quiet chattering began again.

I started shivering. I was far from being cold, in fact, the room was a nice temperature. I was just feeling a familiar sense of nervousness. Vanessa looked at me as if I was crazy. "I know you're not cold," she said in more of a disbelief manner rather than asking.

"Naw," it was my turn to look at her like she was crazy. "I'm just nervous." Then, it hit me. My appearance. Of course I had to be presentable for the Mindless Behavior. "How does my hair look? Do I look sweaty? How does my breath smell?" I blew my breath in her face for her to smell it.

Vanessa placed her hands on my shoulders and looked me in my eyes. "Every thing's fine. Your hair is fine, you don't look sweaty, and your breath smells like peppermint." That was the other reason why I'd eaten it. Good. That was very good. "You look beautiful, you shouldn't be worrying about it too much. Them boys'll like you for who you are. And they're absolutely out of their minds if they aren't out of their minds for you."

I could do nothing, but smile. Even though Vanessa wasn't my real mom, she sure knew what to say when the real one wasn't there. "Thank you. That just made me feel so much better." It really did, considering I'm a girl of extremely low self-confidence. The next thing I knew, I heard the door open and close and the room seemed almost empty, yet the noise increased. I looked towards the door way, and guess who I saw. Yes, they boys had finally showed up. All the girls were trying to get their attention and take pictures and talk to them. I had already missed my chance to go and attempt to get them to notice me. I had ruined it for myself, and it's all because of my insecurity. I could do nothing but sit there, quietly. I felt my the back of my eyes burning as my eyesight became blurred with tears.

I felt Vanessa put her hand on my shoulder, causing me to look up at her, quickly blinking the tears away. "Is everything alright?" she asked concerned. I nodded. "Are you sure?"

I replied with a quiet, "Yeah." And looked back down.

"Well, I'm 'bout to go find the bathroom, 'cause I gotta go. Are you gonna be alright here?" I knew Vanessa cared for me and would do almost anything to keep me from being hurt. I looked at her, nodded again, and displayed a fake smile before returning my eyes to the floor. "Okay then. Stay safe and remember what I just told you," and with a pat on my shoulder she left. I felt the weight on the sofa beside me disappear. I continued to look down, just thinking. Thinking about if Vanessa made it to the bathroom or not. Thinking about how I should approach them, if I ever approached them that night.

Should I say, 'Hi, my name's Yasmin. Can you sign my poster?' or maybe, 'I am such a big fan, I love you guys soooo much.' I really didn't know, but my train of thoughts disappeared when I felt the sofa cushion weigh down next to me. I looked up, thinking it was Vanessa, only to be proven wrong. The first thing to catch my eyes...

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