//In which she is kissed...again//

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Florence + Machines - Never Let Me Go

I quickly walk into lunch detention and take a seat at the table behind Allison. "The two of you will wash all the boards in the hall" Mr.Harris says looking at some other students as they sit at a table. "Re-shelving the library" he says to another two students.

"Restocking the janitor's closet"he says looking at Allison, Isaac and I. Isaac looks back at Allison and she drops her pencil.

"Oh, Mr.Harris?"Isaac says getting out of his seat to privately talk to Mr.Harris. I on the other hand pick at my chipped nails. "Now that I know you prefer not to...yes. You have to be with her"Mr.Harris says to Isaac.

"Great" he says looking at Allison. "Now go, these areas won't clean themselves" he says and everyone starts leaving the room. Mr.Harris points to a crate thing with boxes on it . Isaac starts to push it out the door as Allison grabs some paper towels.

I walk ahead of Isaac and Allison as I try my best to act cheerful. "Layla" Allison says speaking to me for the first time in months. "Hmm" I hum.

"Can you try to not let your heels be so loud. It's annoying" she says still seeming to keep that friendly look but her tone, far from it. I walk towards the janitors closet making sure my heels are loud as ever as I continuously stomp to the closet and I hear Isaac laugh.

I swing the door open and Isaac sets the crate down. He grabs a box and bumps into Allison. "Oh, sorry" she says as I sit on a box in the corner reading an email I received from the hospital.

"You could help, Layla" Allison says looking at me. "No, I'm good" I say continuing to read my email as I block out Isaac and Allison's conversation.

"Can I ask you a question?" I hear Allison says making me look up to face Isaac and Allison's backs. "Do you have to?"

"I guess not. I'm gonna ask anyway. Did you tell anyone that I was at school the other night?" she asks. "Oh, was I supposed to?"he asks.

"It would make me really happy if you didn't" she says trying to seem sweet. "Yeah, well...you being happy really isn't a big priority of mine, since you stabbed me...20 times...with knives."he says making my eyes widen.

"They were actually Chinese Ring Daggers, but--" she says looking at him. "Oh." he says. "Sorry" she replies. "Was that-- was that an apology ?" he asks giving her a smirk and in that moment I know, he likes her and from the looks of it, she like him too, they probably just won't admit it.

"Maybe I should just leave you two" I say getting up and walking out the closet. "Layla, wait" Isaac says grabbing my hand and pulling me back. "Wait, what? I'd hate to interrupt whatever that was" I say and he smiles.

"Are you jealous?" he asks and I scoff. "Get over yourself" I say pulling my arm away. "Why are you mad?" he asks. "I'm not mad, just upset." I state. "About what?" he asks. "Do you like her?" I ask and he laughs.

"Allison? No" he says as I cross my arms giving him a stern look. "That's not what it looked like" I say as I notice Allison is listening. "What does it matter to you?" he asks and I groan.

"Gosh Isaac, isn't obvious? I like you...a lot. I've liked you for quite a while but you never really react. I'm sorry if I'm not good enough. I guess I'm stupid to think that you might actually like me back so I'm sorry for wasting your time" I say going to walk off but he grabs my arm again and pulls me to where I'm facing him.

I give him a pout face but he just pulls me closer to him to where our lips are nearly touching. His hand caresses my cheek as his hot minty breath fans my face. I close my eyes in anticipation as I feel his lips on mine.

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