//In which she's protective//

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A/N: I'm feeling really insecure about this story right now so sorry if it sucks. This is probably the longest chapter I have written but there is Laysaac moments!

"What is Newton's second Law of Motion?"I ask as I fiddle with my pen. "This is boring"Isaac says as he closes the textbook. "We have to study"I say as he snatches my textbook away.

"Isaac"I whine as try to grab it from him but he holds it over his head. "If we don't study then we're gonna fail the eleventh grade"I remark and he laughs. "It's the beginning of the school year"he says making me shrug.

"Isaac, please"I beg as he tosses the book into my laundry basket across the room and I glare as I get up to get it.

Isaac grabs a hold of my wrist and pulls me back down onto my bed. He goes to kiss me but I pull away. Isaac and I have been pretty involved lately but he doesn't put a label on it and neither do I.

I don't want to rush into a relationship especially if he's not ready. Plus he has so much on his plate and adding a girlfriend would just make it more stressful.

"What are you thinking about?"he asks as we both sit up and I shrug. "Things"I say and he nods. "What are these things?"he asks as I rest my hands on my thighs.

"Since Derek is alive, that means that Kali is gonna come after him"I say . "Since when do you care about what happens to Derek?"Isaac asks.

"I don't, well I do but I'm worried about you. Ethan said that Derek would most likely have to kill one of his own and in case you haven't noticed that really only leaves you and Boyd. No offence to Boyd but I think you're more valuable and I'm not being bias about it."I say as I look at him.

"I just mean that if I were wanting Derek to kill one of his own, I would make him kill the most important and strongest one. Which is you"I whisper and he gently places his hand on my cheek.

"I'm gonna be fine. I'm more worried about you"he says making me furrow my brows. "Why ?" I question.

"Stiles told me about what's been going on with you and Lydia"he says which causes me to shrug. "I'm fine, see"I say smiling as he gets off my bed.

"I've got to go but call me if anything happens"he says grabbing his things. "You, call me if anything happens. Okay?"I ask. "Okay".

"Layla"I hear Lydia call as I walk out my class but I ignore her. I continue to walk but stop when I feel a hand grip my arm. "Wait"she says and I sigh.

"What Lydia? What do you want because when were following the bus, you made it pretty clear that you were done with me, sister or not"I say as she looks down.

"Something's happening to us"she says and I laugh. "No shit"I say as she rolls her eyes.

"We hear things and we feel things, I may be mad at you but we need each other more then ever. I'm sorry about what I said, you're my sister I couldn't get rid of you even if I tried"she says as I shrug.

"Look, you're only doing this because you don't want to deal with this alone but you have Stiles and Allison. I have to go find somebody so bye"I say as I go to walk away but she steps in front of me.

"If you're looking for Isaac, he left with a migraine"she says. "Can werewolves even get migraines?"I ask and she shrugs. "Have you visited Danny yet?"I ask her and she shrugs. "I've been busy"she says.

"Yeah well you should see him, he nearly died last night"I say as I walk away from her. I continue to walk but I can only get so far when a big jerk face of a werewolf blocks your path.

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