Part 5 : Rosy Pink

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Pink is thought to be a calming color and is associated with Feminity and represents the emotion of missing someone

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Pink is thought to be a calming color and is associated with Feminity and represents the emotion of missing someone.



He moved down slowly, sensuously taking his own sweet time, relishing every inch of her delectable body, with his lips, teeth, tongue and long slender fingers.

She was struggling like a fish, the emerging need in her core making her moan loudly.

"Omkara...please...!" She pleaded while he raised his head from her bosoms... looking directly in her eyes. His patience breaking with her sexy movements.

"Please what Gauri?" He mumbled, giving a smirk to her, moving towards her fuller lips...

....but suddenly she pushed him away and he fell off the bed, hurting his bum.


He opened his eyes caressing his butt-cheeks, as he saw the pillow in his hands.

'It was a dream!' He sighed, sweeping a hand through that unkept mane. Well this was not the first time that it was a new normal for him, precisely since two months...

The OSO...Omkara Singh Oberoi...a name which was never his own. How could it be when he was born an orphan... found by a priest at the doorstep of a Mahadev temple.

Somehow brought up by the old wife of Priest, he was named Omkara...but his heart didn't stay there, as he ran away from the small the age of 6... towards Goa.

Doing small jobs at local hotels, he had soon started doing petty crimes like stealing and all. That's how Pratap Singh Oberoi had met him.

Omkara had stolen his precious bag of diamonds which he was intended to trade illegally. Well this activity of such a small child of 10 year old had impressed Pratap and he decided to take him to Mauritius, where he was starting a new venture.

Thus Omkara became an Oberoi, a right hand man of Pratap within a period of few years. He was trained in such high class crimes. From learning English to dealing with tech...he had learnt everything that an underworld criminal should, till the age of 20.

But unexpected happened, they got caught by the Interpol...and Pratap was killed in the encounter, which compelled Om to run back to India somehow.

Returning back to home country...Om started to work as freelancer robber
...and soon his experience led him to be known as OSO, working only for the high-class people ... doing skilled robberies.

'But but but....'

It was not his nature to do those small thefts...but two months ago...he was compelled by urgent need of money...for his family... and he had to take Ajay's assignment ...of a petty simple robbery in the home of Sharmas... when he met her.

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