Part 11A : Azure Blue

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It is the color of the ocean and the sky; it often symbolizes serenity, stability, inspiration, or wisdom

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It is the color of the ocean and the sky; it often symbolizes serenity, stability, inspiration, or wisdom. It can be a calming color, and symbolize reliability.


"Do something Inspector! CBI is soon getting involved and if case went to them, everything will get out of her hands!" The call from the high command informed Inspector Arjun Shastri who was getting restless.

"You stay calm sir. No one would ever come to know that we had a hand in that attack!" Arjun replied, "I am going to frame the wife of Abhay Mehra. Have been collecting proofs against her!" He tried to butter his boss....none other than Lala Seth.

"Hmm, we want results soon!" The call ended while Arjun wiped the sweat.


It was late morning and Gauri was in washroom with her very active daughter, trying to make her listen to her.

'How do other parents raise multiple  kids together? Here I am failing to do the basic things of my one and only daughter.'

She seemed to have a very serious problem of making Inaya sit in the tub, who was not at all interested in this freshening up process.

"Mummum, Inu play!" She spoke in her broken language while Gauri tried to make her sit there.

"Beta, just sit for five minutes. It will be over soon!" She went for the soap but Inaya was already on her running flee. "Inu, wait!" She tried to have a hold of her but failed as the toddler had run out.

Running behind her daughter she almost lost her balance only to be held by Omkara.

"Careful!" He held her elbow to steady her, pulling her close. "What is happening?"

He had come inside, listening the noises. But when he looked at the almost dry Inaaya and almost drenched Gauri, he had already guessed a bit. "Don't tell me, you don't know how to make her bath!" He asked with a lop-sided smile and bright big eyes.

Gauri who had earlier gone conscious of her drenched form and his firm touch, now forgot about it as she got annoyed on his taunt.

"It is easy to be said!" She frowned while picking up Inaya. "Of course I know it, but someone need to help me!" And it was true.

At home, whenever she used to be with Inu, either some maid or Jahanvi, used to assist her. Even yesterday she had taken Nicky's help. But now kids had gone to school.

"She is not a six-month old Gauri that you need help! Why can't you do a single work properly?" He mocked her, as he supported himself on the cane to come forward.

"You don't need to bother! I'll manage!" She spoke instantly, seeing him coming to help her.

"Yeah I know!" Omkara rolled his eyes, as he took Inaya to the washroom, and Gauri tagged along.

And so within only ten minutes, Inaya baby had been ready, taken her beauty bath, of course with Om's help.

"She behaves more calmly when you are around!" Gauri tried to make up an excuse, although equally impressed with Om's babysitting skills. "Otherwise she tries to be naughty!"

"It's not about me Gauri! You need to have practical experience." He spoke as he brought some bags from his room. "After all raising kids isn't a joke." He handed those bags to her.

"You are very fond of kids!" Gauri couldn't help but blurt out while checking the bags having some brand new dresses....for both of them.

"Well that's why I am a father of four naughty kids!" He didn't know, how his words had impacted her as she went stiff, while he continued, "And many more to come!"

'What is this happening?' She suddenly realized how Omkara was coming closer to Inaya.

A bit restless she felt guilty of hiding the reality from him...'Should I tell him the truth?' After all the circumstances were so favourable to reveal the secret.

"Gauri! She wants to wear this blue one!" He was still occupied in his talks while Gauri just nodded.

'No, it would complicate everything!' Her daughter already had Abhay's name even if she never got his love. 'I can't prevent Om from showering his love to his daughter...but the truth will never be revealed.' She had taken the decision.

"What is her favourite color Gauri?" He asked, as he applied moisturizer to the tiny hands and feet. "Is it blue?" He asked, getting no response from her mother.

"Ulu!" Inaya this time replied instead of Gauri while Omkara laughed.

"That's my Shona! We'll get more blue dresses for you ok!" Omkara had already lifted Inaya, as they both went out, talking all animatedly, leaving Gauri lost in her thoughts.


Jahanvi had been crying, looking at all the things of her granddaughter.

Five days had passed by but there was no clue of Gauri and Inaya.

"Tej, I am losing hope day by day! There is no news of them!"

"I had never felt so much helpless Jahanvi. We can only pray now!"

Looking at her parents so depressed, Bhavya sighed.

'I should talk to him!'


Seems we can trust Bhavya... 😊

Another step in Rikara direction... 💞

A small chapter it was but if you like it😄

Well I am not making it a tragedy...a happy ending it would be 😄

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Also take care and wait❤❤❤.

Also take care and wait❤❤❤

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