Part 9 : Magenta Crimson

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Magenta contains the passion, power and energy of red, restrained by the introspection and quiet energy of violet

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Magenta contains the passion, power and energy of red, restrained by the introspection and quiet energy of violet. Both red and violet being the color of pain... the color magenta also symbolizes the ache, suffering and distress.


"Why was the sketch circulated Arjun? What if he tried to harm the baby!" Gauri charged on Rudra's colleague, "I had provided it just to track him!" She was told so, to make her agree.

"See Mrs.Mehra. You don't need to tell us what we should do! For now, you need to appear for the investigation tomorrow!" Arjun had a rude tone, "By the way how do you know a robber and that too OSO?"

"None of your business!" Rudra spoke with a glare while Gauri gritted her teeth leaving the Police Station.

Being vulnerable yesterday she had agreed to tell everything....even helped for the sketch to that Inspections friend of Rudra. But now she was regretting it.

'Maybe he had just come to meet me!' She thought, feeling silly to take his name out like that, 'What if it was done by someone else!'

"Don't overthink Gauri! We need yo concentrate to get Inaya back." Rudra offered his theory while driving her back to home.

"I have lost everything Rudra! My family, my love...everything!" She was cursing herself when she found her phone ringing.

'Unknown number!'

"Hello!" She received the call.

"If you want your daughter safe then reach the Purani Tekdi by 7 tonight." It was a feminine voice, "Don't play smart and none else should know about it!" The caller continued, "And you need to bring some things along...."


Parking the black Mahindra Thar to a roadside, Gauri looked around. The Purani Tekdi, as the name suggested was an old hillside area which was now abandoned, away from the main city of Bareilly.

"It doesn't seem to be OSO! I was doubting him in vain!" She regretted, with a fear engulfing her mind. "Whoever they are, hope they didn't harm my baby!"

"Have you reached?" Gauri again got that same call.

"Yes...have brought everything as you said. Where is Inu?" She was being impatient.

"She is safe as long as you didn't play smart....otherwise!" She didn't forget to warn her.

Feeling a great sense of hatred for this woman, Gauri reached the old building where she was told to. Slightly knocking at the door she waited while managing the bag in her hand.

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