Congratulations Are in Order

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Author's Note

Hi, everyone! I haven't written any Sherlock or Harry Potter fanfiction before, but I saw a few posts from Tumblr where they imagined Sherlock tecahing at Hogwarts and they wanted someone to write it as Fanfiction, so I decided that I would. These characters do not belong to me. Those from the Harry Potter series belong to J. K. Rowling and those from Sherlock belong to BBC. I'm just testing the waters with this chapter, so if you enjoy it, please vote and comment so that I know that y'all want to read more. Thanks a million! xox

"According to The Daily Prophet's newest reporter, Lavender Brown, Mycr-"

"The Daily Prophet is not a credible source."


"It isn't. That girl who wrote the article you're attempting to read is nothing but a gossip."


"I do not enjoy hearing from half-wit witches who have nothing better to do than talk about other people, Molly."

"It's about Mycroft," Molly said, exasperated.

"Oh, do tell. I'd love to know what my brother is cooking up now. He knows I've outdone him by becoming the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher here at Hogwarts," Sherlock gloated, gleefully sipping his tea.

"He's going to become the next Minister of Magic, Sherlock. Isn't it wonderful?" Molly exclaimed.

Sherlock nearly choked, and when he could actually express himself again, he growled, "Lovely."

"It is!"

Sherlock rolled his eyes.

"What's 'lovely'?"

"Ah, John. Mycroft is going to be the next Minister of Magic," Sherlock said.

"That is fantastic-" John stopped upon seeing Sherlock's expression. "He is your brother, Sherlock. You should at least send him an owl to congratulate him."

"And I'll send some Puking Pastilles too because he loves sweets," Sherlock brightened, and with a swish of his coat he began striding out of the Hospital Wing.

"Sherlock," John scolded.

"Not now, John, I believe congratulations are in order!"


"Did you hear that Mycroft Holmes is going to be the new Minister of Magic?" Hermione asked as she, Ron, Harry, and Ginny sat with their tea after seeing their children off at King's Cross Station.

"Mycroft Holmes?" Ginny asked.

"Who is this bloke anyway? I've never heard of him," Ron interjected.

"He's been under cover for years working in the Muggle World trying to protect their Queen." Hermione said.

"Doesn't he have a brother?" Harry asked. "I think the new head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement mentioned him."

"His name was Sherlock," Ginny said, "Greg mentioned him at lunch yesterday. He said that Sherlock Holmes would be teaching Defense Against the Dark Arts at Hogwarts."

"That's right! Both of them were vying for the position," Harry replied.

"I read about him a few weeks ago, he was undercover as well. 'Solving mysteries' as the Muggle papers put it." Hermione added.

"They have some weird blokes in the Muggle World," Ron muttered.

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