Ch 3

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A/N: Hey guys! Hope you all liked the last chapter. I think you all would have understood what happened in that flashback, but if you didn't, then Draco was beaten up by students after the article about his upcoming trial came out. The reason behind that: He wasn't found guilty at his first trial, and the students blamed him and thought he belonged in Azkaban. And he was chosen as Head Boy, and that made them even more angry, so they beat him up. Read the A/N at the end to find out when the next chapter will be out. On with the chapter! 

"There's no way I am doing this, Harry!" Hermione shook her head. 

It had been a week and a half since Hermione met and talked with Draco in his office. A week and a half since she became his partner. A week and a half since she got to know he was married. 

Married. To Astoria Greengrass. 

Who would have thought, right? 

Hermione knew he loved her. She had seen the way he looked at her in Hogwarts. 

Draco had asked Hermione to help him plan a perfect date for him and Astoria in their eighth year. And she had agreed to help him. He was her best friend after all. 


Hermione didn't know whether she was happy or sad that she didn't attend his wedding. She should definitely be sad. Hermione had promised to tease him when he would cry on his wedding, and he promised her that he would be looking forward to that. So obviously she should be sad because she missed the most important day in her best friend's life. 


She felt guilty for even being confused about being feeling happy that she didn't attend his wedding. It wasn't possible that she still had- 

No. She wouldn't think about that. There's no way she still... It isn't possible. 


Wrong. Wrong, wrong, wrong, it was wrong. She knew it was wrong. It had been five years, and she was the one who left. She had to convince herself that it was wrong, and she had to stay away from him. 

But of course, Harry James Potter had to ruin her plan of staying away from him, didn't he? 

"Hermione, I am not asking you to do this. Head Auror Robards had told me to do this, and I am just doing my job. You can't say no. I am sorry, Hermione, but you will have to go with him." Harry told her. 

"Harry..." She sighed. 

"No, Hermione. Robards and Kingsley made me the leader of this programme, so I am technically your boss here. I am giving you this assignment, and you will have to do this." 

Hermione glared at him. "Fine, Auror Potter." 

Harry sighed. If only he knew she would listen to him when he would be her boss, and not her best friend. 

"But what about Draco? I don't think he will agree." She said. 

"I will ask him later. You will have to sign here, Hermione, "He pointed to a paper, "It's nothing important. I have just listed the Aurors and their cases. Everyone has to sign it, and I'll give to Robards." 

"Do I really have to do this? Isn't there anyone else who can go with him?" Hermione asked him. 

Harry sighed again. Why did she have to be so stubborn? 

"You don't even have a valid excuse to not go with him, Hermione. Tell me why you don't want to go." He looked at her. 

Hermione narrowed her eyes at him. "You know why I left, Harry. You know everything. I even told you about him! What if Draco found out about him?" 

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