Ch 6

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A/N: Hello everyone! Hope you guys liked the last chapter. I actually missed writing fluff, specially in which Draco is being teased, and I don't think there was really a fluffy scene in this story, except the scene in the last chapter. As much as I love Draco, I love writing scenes where he's being teased by his friends. Read the A/N at the end to find out when the next chapter will be out. On with the chapter! 

Draco was talking to a few guests when Tipsy, the Malfoy house elf, approached him. "There are two guests standing at the entrance, Master. Should Tipsy bring them here?" 

Draco looked around, his brows furrowed. "Everyone is here. Who are the guests then?" He muttered. "No need, Tipsy. I will go and see who they are. You can go now." 

From the corner of his eye, he saw Hermione glaring at him. "Thank you, Tipsy." He sighed, and the elf smiled and dissapparated with a 'crack'. 

It had been a decade since she got the idea for S.P.E.W, and she still followed it, much to Draco's annoyance. 

He walked towards Harry, who was talking to some Ministry Employees, and tapped his shoulder. "I need you to come with me to the entrance. It's urgent." He whispered.

Harry nodded, and excused himself. "What happened?" He asked the blond wizard as the walked towards the entrance. 

"I thought everyone whom we had invited were here. But Tipsy told me that two more guests are standing at the entrance. Did you invite anyone else as well, and didn't tell me?" Draco asked him. 

"I don't remember." Harry shrugged. "We should just go and see who are they. Anyways, who is Tipsy?" 

"My house elf. More specifically, she's a Malfoy house elf." 

"What?" Harry blinked at him. "Are you sure you are Hermione's best friend? Because there is no way she can accept that you have a house elf." 

Draco rolled his eyes. "Pay a little attention, will you, Potter? I said she is a Malfoy house elf, and so, she lives in the Manor. You have been to my house so many times, did you ever notice a house elf there?" 

"Uhh..." Harry thought for a moment. "No." 

"Good. If I had even thought about having a house elf there, Astoria would have thrown me out of the house. She supports Spew as well, you know?" 

"But then how come there are house elves here, in the Manor?" Harry asked him. "I thought Narcissa supported spew as well."

"She does, no matter how much I try to convince her that it is just stupid." Draco shook his head. "Initially, she wanted to free the house elves, but when she and father decided to move to France, there had to be somebody who could live in the Manor." 

"I refused to live here considering what all happened during the war, and we didn't want to sell or demolish it, because no matter how much I dislike it, the Manor is our ancestral home, and I did spend my childhood here. And well, the house elves didn't want to leave it either, so my mother decided to pay them and give them holidays as well. And sometimes, she even buys clothes for them." He finished. 

"Hmm..." Harry nodded. "I am still surprised how quickly Narcissa agreed to the idea of Spew, because she didn't meet Hermione much, right?" 

"Correct. They only met for a few days during the Winter and Easter and Holidays when Hermione stayed at our penthouse. And before that... Well, the first time Granger met my mother was during sixth year," He grimaced, "When you lot came to Madam Malkin's, and after that-" 

Harry cut him off. "She met her when we captured and brought to the Manor and... Hermione was tortured. I am actually surprised that Hermione agreed to meet your mother just a few months after that had happened." 

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