Chapter 10

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Piper POV

I can't believe it! We lost! We actually lost! Well maybe I can but that doesn't mean I have to like it. It so was not fair. They had a goddess on their side! A goddess! The chaotic goddess of wisdom and battle strategy might I add! Now that is unfair. Damn it!

Well it's good to have Annabeth back though. We really need her for the war. None of us can plan as good as her. I remember the good old days when we, the seven, Nico and Thalia were together just fighting monsters and having fun. I remember the day percabeth got caught in the stables. Coach was so angry. I'm so happy they are together again! They are just ment to be!

Then I was broken out of my reverie by Annabeth saying "Oh yeah guys I forgot to tell you something!" She exclaimed

"Is this true? The one and only Annabeth Chase forgot something" Percy gasped dramatically.

"The world is ending!" Exclaimed Nico

"Run for the hills!" Screamed Thalia

Then the three of them got up and ran around in circles screaming at the top of their lungs. With one deathly glare from Annabeth they stopped screaming and sat back down. Dayuum her eyes are scary. Scarier than before with the glowing stars. I mentally shuddered at the thought of her getting really angry at us. Like actually pissed.

"What would you like to tell us?" Asked Hazel gently. Ah Hazel. She never changed much over the years. Still kind and gentle but she could be really scary if she wanted too.

"Okay so it's about Leo" she started

Almost immediately the atmosphere turned into a painful silence. We all miss him greatly. He was like a brother to me. I wonder what she has to say about him.

"What about him?" Asked Jason warily

Not being able to stand the tension she blurted out "He's not dead"

We all erupted in gasps of awe, wonder, amazement and disbelief.

"B-but how?" I stuttered

Oh if this is true, I am so gonna kill him. I will hunt him down, tie him up than feed him to Lupa's wolves. I'm serious.

"Well you see, he actually had the Physicians cure with him. He taught Festus how to give it to him. Remember when he went missing for a while, well Khione actually blasted him to Calypso's Island. That's where he disappeared to" she explained

Ooh Valdez I'm so gonna kill you! Your death will not be a painless one, believe me! I can't believe he didn't tell us any of this!

"But how do you know any of this?" Asked Frank cautiously

"You see, the gods didn't want to set Calypso free. They were planning on killing the both of them. They were going to blast them off of Festus as soon as they passed the border of her island. Leo knew that they were planning to kill the both of them. His plan was to go to camp for help. But little did he know that Ares was waiting at the borders of Camp to kill them if the other gods failed. As soon as I found out, I personally came to earth to recruit them into my army. I offered them our protection. Immediately Leo agreed." Annabeth said. She waited patiently for all this information to sink in.

"Well that's a lot to take in" Percy stated bluntly

"No dip Sherlock" said Thalia

These two are always fighting. I mean seriously will they ever stop?

"Wait is he here now? The both of them?" Asked Jason

I gasped as I came to the sudden realization.

Annabeth hesitated before answering "Yes"

"Where is he?" I asked. Well more like demanded.

"In the cabin" she admitted slowly and reluctantly as if unsure whether to tell us. After all they were wearing hoods for a reason.

"Well let's go see him then" said Thalia

"Thalia I don't think you can. They are wearing hoods for a reason. They are supposed to keep their identities a secret for a reason." Hazel reasoned gently.

"I don't care! I wanna see the Repair Boy" I whined

Annabeth had a poker face on. She's probably having a mini debate in her mind on THW Let Them See Leo Valdez.
Soon, she started to smile and she said

"Well I am the Princess. Dad lets me of the hook most of the time" she contemplated.

Please please please please please. Come on Owl Head! Just say yes! I silently begged.

"I say why not" she said with a smirk on her face.

We all erupted in cries of joy and raced towards the cabin leaving Annabeth laughing behind us.

Okay so here it is. I'm so sorry it took so long but it's only cuz I had no WiFi so I couldn't post this. So sorry!

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