The Only One : Chapter Six

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The Only One

Chapter 6


Today is my last day in California for two days. I feel terrible leaving Hanna. I know that she'll have Maggie, and I'm grateful for that, but there's just something in our relationship that another one will never have.

"Han, I really wish you were coming with us this week!" I say, as we lay on the beach.

"I know, so do I! But I really have to catch up on school... I need my degree."

I make a pouty face and say, "I wish you didn't have to."

"Believe me, I feel the exact same way as you."

Do you? Do you really, Hanna? I'm not sure you do.

"What are we up to the rest of the day?" I ask, totally changing the subject before something unnecessary slips out of my mouth.

"Movie at your place!"

"Sure." I smile. What beats hanging out with Hanna watching a movie?

She smiles at me, as she rolls over onto her stomach.

"Han, are you going to talk to Bex and TJ while I'm gone?"

"Why should I?" She asks.

"Hanna, Bex has always been your best friend. You can't just stop being friends. You know there's a part of you that still cares."

"Of course there is! I couldn't just stop caring! But they lied to me, straight to my face! I'd asked them so many times before if they were going out, because, I mean, everyone always thought they were, and every time, they said no." She explained looking sad.

"Just try to talk to them, please."

"I guess..."

"When was the last time you talked to them?"

"Santa Monica really. We've talked a little since, but I've been ignoring them."

"Hanna, please just talk to them, you can't hang out with Maggie allllllll week!" I smirk.

"I won't, I have friends!" She jokes and tries to act insulted.

"Pft, like that's true!" I reply, joking.

"Hah!" She says putting her hand on her chest, as if to act insulted.

"Oh, don't use that tone with me, young lady!"

"And what. If. I. do?" She challenges, coming closer to me and smirks.

We both stare into eachother's eyes, and start to move closer to eachother. As our lips are about to touch, a stupid seagull squawks causing Han to scream a high pitched scream, ruining any and all moments we were having, or about to have.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry!" She says, turning a bright shade of red.

I put my hand on her shoulder, "It's fine, Han, it's fine!"

"You know, Ry, as much as I hate to say it, I really think we should get going." She says.

"Okayyyy, if we have to." I complain, as I start to grab our things. I loop my arm around Hanna's, as she gives an irresistible smile, and lets out a small giggle. She kills me! She makes my heart flutter! Literally flutter! I never knew a heart could flutter! And I'm a guy! That sounds like something Hanna, from Pretty Little Liars, would say! Not me! But it's true, it's so true. No one has ever made me feel this way. Not even Monica-the girl I thought was the love of my life.

"What are you thinkin', Ryan?" She smirks.


"Yeah right, you liar!" She says looking into my eyes and giggling.

I'm about to reply when a young girl, 12 or so, comes walking up to me, looking as if she's just one second away from exploding. "Hi, Ryan!" She says sounding really nervous. "I'm a huge fan of yours! Is possible for me to get an autograph or a picture?"

"Of course, sweetie!" I say, as I take the picture from her hands, and letting Hanna's arm drop, much to my dismay. "What's your name?" I ask.

"Nina." She smiles.

"Okay, Nina," I say, signing the picture, "Here ya go! Did you want a picture?"

She looks to her mom as if for approval, and her mom shakes her head.

"Oh thank you, Ryan!" She says jumping up. Hanna starts to back away so it's just Nina and I in the picture, but she asks with a weak smile, "Not to be demanding, but could Hanna get in the picture?"

"Of course, if you'd like!" And I look to Han and signal for her to come over to us.

She slowly walks up to us, and poses for the picture, looking hot as ever. I so want a copy of this picture. Although I'm sure it'll be all over the internet soon.

"Bye, Ryan! Thank you sooo much!!" Nina exclaims.

"You're welcome, sweetie!" I smile, as she walks away, squealing is what it looks like, and I turn to Hanna.

"She was so cute." Hanna says, with a sweet smile.

"Yes she was." I smile back. 'But obviously not as cute as you...' I think, but don't dare say aloud.

We slowly trudge back to the car and drive to Hanna's house so she can shower and get a change of clothes.

When we get to her house, she quickly climbs out of the car and runs into the house to take a quick shower. I said I'd wait in the car, but after about 15 minutes, I hear a shrill scream come from inside of the house. I quickly run into the house, revealing her in the arms of someone else...some other guy.

"Hanna, are you okay?!" I ask urgently.

She gives me a huge smile, and says, "Of course I am!! Jonny's home!!!"

I give her a confused look, and try to hide the hurt from my face, "Jonny...?"

"My older brother!!" She exclaims.

"Oh! I'm Ryan." I say to Jonny.

He raises his eye brows at me. "Do you honestly think I don't know who you are? You're all my baby sister talks about." He finishes, as Hanna turns red again, causing me to laugh.

"Han, I gotta get going. I'm meetin' some friends tonight. I'll be back tonight though, I promise." Jonny says, giving Hanna a quick hug. "And hey, be careful." He adds, with a warning eye, especially at me.

"Don't worry." I give a reassuring smile as we also head out the door to my car.


"What movie do you want to watch?"

"Dirty Dancing, pleeaaaseee?" She begs, leaning into my shoulder. Who can say no to that?!

"Sure." I smile and put the movie in. Hanna curls up with her legs pulled to her chest and I put my arm around her. It's like she fits absolutely perfect in arms. Like she was meant to be there.

Life. Is. Perfect.


:D HEYYY! <3 I seriously love them so much!

Hope you enjoy the chapter! I'll put up the next one soon!

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