The Only One : Chapter Ten

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The Only One

Chapter 10


This morning was the funeral and last night was the wake. Even though I never knew Hanna's father, this whole thing is awfully sad and I feel absolutely terrible for Hanna and her brother.

Hanna's mom seems to be going into a state of depression, which I don't blames her. She seems to be sinking her head more and more into her work and Jonny is already planning when he's going back to Boston.

That only leaves Hanna.

I've been planning on asking her to come on tour with us. I mean, that'll give us time to be together, but it'll also get her mind off of everything and I think that's exactly what she needs right now.

"Hey bro," Jamie says. "Wacha doin? Up for a night out tonight?"

"Sorry, bud, I'm takin' Hanna out tonight." I say.

"Oh my god. Are you actually going to express your undying love for her??" He asks and I give him the eye. "What? I'm serious! Are you?"

"I don't know! It depends on how the night goes..."

"That's a yes."








"Oh my god, he admits it!! Tonight is the night!" Jamie exclaims.

"The night for whaaaat?" Ian asks, walking into the room.

Jamie glances at me and says, "The night that Ryan will express his undying love for dearest Hanna and he'll sweep her off her feet until she can't stand, and then they'll live happily ever in a castle and everything will be perfect. Just perfect, I tell you." He even kind of quoted that song I Wish that I wrote. CREEPY! Maybe it's a brother thing...

"Oh, I already knew that." Ian says, and Jamie and I look up at with surprised eyes.

"What??" I ask.

"I'm Lieutenant Keaggs, I know everything." He says mischievously. It's true- Ian always knows everything, even when you're certain he doesn't.

And then there's Nash. Don't get me wrong, he's smart and all, but he's crazy sometimes.

"What does Lieutenant Keaggs know?" Nash asks, suddenly appearing behind Ian in my door way.

"Oh nothing..." We all whistle, and act as though nothings up.

"Okay. Stop it. What's up?" He asks, and we all start laughing.

"Ryan is going to confess his love for Hanna." Ian says to state it simply.

He looks to me for confirmation. "Yep. I've made her wait long enough." I say. "It's time she knows the truth."

"Hmmm, alright. I need to be there." Nash says.

"What?! No way! You're going out with Jamie tonight!" I say, looking for Jamie to cover me. He never even asked Nash if he wanted to go out tonight. Jamie was looking for some Follebro brotherly bonding time, not Follestreet bonding time.

"Oh yeah!" Nash says. "I forgot about that! Have fun with Hanna! C'mon Jamie, let's go." Nash pulls My brother's arm and drags a glaring Jamie out of the room.

It's silent for a minute, and then Ian speaks up. "You know, Maggie and I have been talking. We're going to Boston in a few weeks and then to South America. I uh, I asked Maggie to come along with us..."

"You what?!?!"

"Oh no, are you angry?" Ian asks.

"Angry Ian??" He looks at me fearfully. "Of course I'm not angry!!!! I love Maggie!! And I was planning on asking Han to come along and you know how close they've gotten."

"Of course, yeah, I have. It'll be great. Everything's gonna work out." Ian smiles. "Have fun tonight, Bro."

"Thanks." I smile and return to getting ready. This night's going to be great.


Yayayayay new chappie! Hope you like it! :D

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