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Nellie's phone

*You've received an instant message from Scarlet*

Scarlet: Nellie! Long time no see. Miss ya girl. Got a lotta things to tell you. I found Luke's number and gave a prank call to him. Hehe

*you've received "prankcall.mp3"*

Nellie: Woah you little..!! I listened to the recording. So that's what he sounds like? The conversation's smart. But still.. he must've been pissed off!

Scarlet: LMAO! I didn't mean to piss him off.

Nellie: Be careful, though. Your voice is unique. Don't know about him, but I can recognise your babyish voice easily. But that's cute. He'll learn to love it.

Scarlet: I know right? But I tried to sound a bit deep, you know? Like a grownup. Hope he hasn't heard my voice in real life. Like, we've never at least talked. Just random eye contacts.

Nellie: Haha yeah LOL! May luck be ever in your favour!!*

*Luck is Luke's nickname as Scarlet found on Instagram and Facebook. So Scarlet and her friends use the phrase "May Luck Be Ever In Your Favor" as in the quote from Hunger Games ("May the odds be ever in your favor"), whenever they're talking about something related to Luke.

Fun Fact: Scarlet even tried collecting four leaved clovers which represent Luck, but she never found one. (That says something too)

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