30. relationships as songs (captains)

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Hi everybody!

I just wanted to say thank you for 18k reads, I never would've guessed I would get this many reads! It's incredible to say the least! Anyway, thank you all for your continuous support! I love you all!

For this update, this is what song I think would best represent your relationship with each of the captains... as breakup songs! (if they were to break up with you)


SONG: always, i'll care
ARTIST: Jeremy Zucker
EXPLANATION: Daichi and you had an amazing relationship, but of course it had its flaws. You two were extremely busy with personal lives and trying to keep the other happy, while not being that happy with yourselves. Because of this, your relationship had started to slowly drift apart. Of course you two loved one another, but that doesn't mean you were meant to be at that time. You believed, that right now, it wasn't meant for you two to be, Daichi agreed. So mutually, you two ended the relationship. You're still very close friends (you both love each other and miss the other, Sugawara is trying to get you back together).

SONG: You're Somebody Else (Acoustic)
ARTIST: flora cash
EXPLANATION: Kuroo and you were extremely close and happy throughout the first few months of your relationship. But after time, things started going very downhill... and fast. You two were so in love in the beginning that to others, it seemed as though you were faking it in the beginning. Rumours flew around and you two started to believe them, that you two didn't actually love each other. That you two were acting as somebody else to the other. Kuroo and you fought a lot because of this, and since he was so worried about school work and volleyball, he called it off.

SONG: Solitary
ARTIST: guardin
EXPLANATION: Bokuto and you had a very complex relationship. You were both extremely busy with your own personal lives, Bokuto having volleyball taking him away from you and you dealing with the feeling of loneliness for not being able to be with him. Because of this, it was hard for you to love him, even though he put every effort into volleyball and loving you. But, it wasn't enough. Because you couldn't accept this, Bokuto was frustrated and didn't feel good enough. The song describes how you felt towards him and he ended up breaking things off.

SONG: Learn
EXPLANATION: Oikawa and yourself had quite the bumpy relationship. He was so focused on volleyball that you often found it hard to spend time with one another and have those special moments a couple should have. You two couldn't fully and truly love one another, because of that, your relationship was driven apart. It was honestly the hardest and true heartbreak for the both of you, but since you both couldn't love each other, it was best for both of you to just end it. It was a mutual breakup.

SONG: Malibu Nights
EXPLANATION: The relationship you two had was a bit rocky, Ushijima is so intent and focused on volleyball that he didn't always have time for you. It was hard on you, you weren't quite the happiest person, so dating him didn't help to be fully honest. You loved each other, but due to his absence in the relationship, you felt yourself becoming quite... depressed. (I'm not diagnosing you with depression lol, just trying to describe it). Ushijima had noticed you drifting so he ended it, not wanting to have to deal with a poor relationship and volleyball. You understood his reasons, but it still hurt.

SONG: i think you're really cool
ARTIST: guardin
EXPLANATION: Okay, hate me for this one... BUT, I feel as though Terushima would have cheated on you while drunk at a party. He would fess up and admit to it, after you had questioned him about it. He was truthful when you asked, but that doesn't save the fact that he had cheated on you and broke your heart. You both decided to stop dating then and there, it was a mutual choice. He did end up dating the other person, while you still dreamt about him, missing him everyday.

SONG: Honeydew
ARTIST: Anthidium
EXPLANATION: Your relationship was always an up and down one. Even before the arguing stage, you two would be arguing quite frequently. Since you argued so often, you two didn't spend as much time together, like a normal couple would, causing you two to fall apart from each other. You both loved each other, but somehow couldn't manage to get through the stupid arguments you constantly had, again, it was a mutual breakup.

SONG: July
ARTIST: Noah Cyrus
EXPLANATION: You're all going to hate me for this, but I feel as though you two were honestly quite happy in the relationship... But, you had some pretty horrible moments as well. When you two would argue (which was quite frequently, since you two were in the arguing stage) he would constantly find ways to put you down and tell you "you're not enough". The song explains the relationship in full detail to be honest, Kita ended up breaking up with you because he realized how toxic he was for you, but never told you that.

SONG: Love the Way You Lie, Pt. 2
ARTIST: Rihanna ft. Eminem
EXPLANATION: Okay, so I have this feeling Suguru is very toxic in a relationship. (I'm sorry to those that love him, oops.). Because of his toxicity, you began to get angry with him and he didn't like the fact that you were treating him the same way he was treating you. You obviously still loved the boy, but the two of you were extremely toxic for one another and he finally ended it after a good year and a bit, it was honestly a messy breakup.

SONG: Somebody Else
ARTIST: The 1975
EXPLANATION: The song, like the rest, explains it. Futakuchi had found somebody else, you're not over him yet, but it was your own fault he left. You were too busy with your own life that being with him was too much, so the two of you drifted and slowly he began to lose feelings towards you and found Somebody Else. It was heartbreaking knowing he wouldn't be in your life, but it was best for the both of you.


If you listened to the songs and paid attention to the lyrics, it would help you understand what I was trying to portray for the characters and your 'relationship'! (you don't have to listen to the song though)

I hope you all enjoyed this update, I was feeling a little down today and wanted to write something a bit angsty lol.


For all the BNHA lovers;

I have published my first fanfic, it's called "Fight For Serenity " !!

It's a Bakugou x Reader x Todoroki fanfic!

It's honestly a pretty basic story, the reader has a tragic past and makes it into UA, blah blah blah. But I really wanted to write a book like that, so I did it haha. I'm not making you read it and I'm not saying it's amazing either, but it's there if you're bored!

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