4 // im not her

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My body continues to shake with fear as I look out the window of the fast moving carriage. I stare out at the gorgeous lush green forests and lakes with animals scattered around it. It's like a fairly tail.

My stomach tightens when I feel Ezra lightly elbow me, he grumbles an apology and continues to stare out the window. I turn my head back to look over at Xander, he's right at the back of the cart In a small cell, the only thing separating us is a small window between the kart and cell. Xander's hands are in cuffs, as are mine. But he also wears a mouth guard, I'm assuming it's to stop him from biting. My gosh, he really is treated like an animal.

Xander glares at me, I quickly dart my eyes away from his and begin to fidget with the uncomfortably tight hand cuffs. "Emelly..." Ezra begins.

I clench my fists, "That's not my name..." I fight the urge to shout, the feeling of anger beginning to overtake me. He squeezes his thigh, turning away his tongue quickly swipes across his bottom lip.

The scenery outside begins to change, from lush green forests it turns to a rather dark environment. A single tear manages to roll down my cheek, I want to get out of here. I want to see Andy and Scott and my dad. I'm pushed up so close to Ezra it makes me want to just jump out of this stupid carriage and throw myself onto the road. I just want to get home.

Closing my eyes, I try to force myself to see better things, think happy thoughts.
"We've arrived," Ezra quickly jumps out of the carriage, he stands in front of a extremely tall gate. The gate is golden, it shines every time the sun flashes on it, making me wince. I clench my fists, quickly wiping away my tears. I can't manage to act up In front of these people, I can't let them see my weakness.

Xander saunters out of the cell, his hands cuffed together, Ezra slowly takes off the device on his face, once it's off a scowl makes it's way onto Xanders pale face.

I'm so terribly afraid, I honestly have no idea where I am and the though of what's going to happen soon scares me...

"Hey! You!" Ezra begins to call at me. I take slow, steady steps towards where all the people are congregating. Looking around briefly I look for a way out. Xander moves to stand next to me.

"Not a chance..." He whispers into my ear, I turn to him, he's frowning deeply. He's probably been in a situation similar to this.

"What happened to me? You know...before," I ask him quietly, afraid to raise my voice.
"I'm sure he'll explain everything to you," he tilts his head towards Ezra. I scan the area around me once more, I notice the main colour in this palace is white, white marble floors, white buildings, even the people are wearing white. We follow Ezra and the guards into what looks like the main castle.

I'm afraid what's behind the large gold door, until Ezra jolts it open and I'm faced with the most beautiful room I've ever seen. White floors with gold swirls, gold chandeliers and curtains, a long gold rug leading to a chair...I stiffen when I see someone in it.

I'm surprised I'm not as scared as I expected to be, I would usually be screaming and shouting but I think I know what would happen of I were to cause a scene. When I turn my head a little to look back at everyone I notice Ezra's eyes are turned to a cold blue colour.

I watch as his lips move ever so slightly, is he whispering words? Is he controlling me? My head turns back without me doing it and that clarifies my theory.

"Walk," Ezra commands.

My legs begin to do what he says, is that's why I'm not totally freaking out? I'm being controlled! I stop walking when I'm just in front of the chair. The chair begins to slowly turn, when I'm facing the chair I stare up at the man siting in it. The man looks quite young too, maybe in his twenties? He has long jet black hair falls around his face perfectly, dark caramel eyes match well with his skin tone and his beard just makes him looks more attractive. He wears a black tux with black dress shoes. He's radiating with importance and I can't help but stare.

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